Poetry About Anne

Anne Boleyn Files visitor Esther Hyams is a history student and poet and, like many of us, has been moved and inspired by the story of Anne Boleyn, Queen Consort of England and second wife to Henry VIII.

Esther has been kind enough to write a series of poems about Anne Boleyn for The Anne Boleyn Files and I will publish them here as Esther writes them. Esther is incredibly talented and I’m so pleased that Anne Boleyn’s story lives on through today’s poets and writers.

Click on the titles to enjoy these wonderful Anne Boleyn poems.

anneboleyn1Part One – Little Nan

Part Two – Mistress Anne

Part Three – A King’s Passion

Part Four – The Lonely Damsel

Part Five – Lady Anne

Part Six – The King’s Great Matter

Part Seven – The Rise of the Boleyns and the Fall of Rome

Part Eight – Glass Words

Part Nine – Distant Hearts

Part Ten – The King and His Lady

Part Eleven – The Lady Marquess of Pembroke

boleynunknown11Part Twelve – Duels and Jewels

Part Thirteen – A French Meeting

Part Fourteen – The King and His Wife

Part Fifteen – Revelations

Part Sixteen – The Procession

Part Seventeen – The Crowning of Queen Anne

Part Eighteen – Popes and Passions

Part Nineteen – Elizabeth

Part Twenty – A Princess’ Christening

Part Twenty-one – A.R. “The Most Happy” 1534

Part Twenty-two – Acts of Supremacy and Succession

Anne BoleynPart Twenty-three – The End of Fisher and More

Part Twenty-four – Dissolution of the Monasteries

Part Twenty-five – Henry’s Wandering Eye

Part Twenty-six – Rages and Miscarriages

Part Twenty-seven – Mistress Jane Seymour

Part Twenty-eight – A Doomed Fate

Part Twenty-nine – The Downfall of Queen Anne

Part Thirty – Cromwell vs. Anne Boleyn

Part Thirty-one – March & April 1536

Part Thirty-two – The Beginning of the End

Part Thirty-three – Greewich May Day 1536