Poem – Little Nan

Anne Boleyn Files visitor Esther Hyams is a history student and poet and, like many of us, has been moved and inspired by the story of Anne Boleyn, Queen Consort of England and second wife to Henry VIII.

Esther has been kind enough to write a series of poems about Anne Boleyn for The Anne Boleyn Files and I will publish them here as Esther writes them. Esther is incredibly talented and I’m so pleased that Anne Boleyn’s story lives on through today’s poets and writers.

Esther’s first poem, “Little Nan” is about Anne Boleyn’s childhood:-

Little Nan

In 1501, but the exact date is uncertain and unsure
Was born a girl whom one day would be labelled a wh*re.
Born at Blicking, to Thomas and Elizabeth Boleyn who named her Anne.
The sister of Mary and George :  this small little ‘Nan’.

Hever CastleNan was a blank canvas with deep, black, innocent eyes
Eyes that one day cardinals and bishops would despise.
As she grew and grew, Nan brought such joy
Running happily, like the world was her toy.

Through the halls of Hever, ran this innocent child
Whose passion for playing could never be stifled.
A fearless girl, running in the garden among the flowers
Her long dark hair flowing behind her in those hours.

Then years later, when Anne was 13 years old,
She showed such brightness and a heart so bold.
That Thomas Boleyn could notice a shining star,
That his daughter Anne could take them so far.

Even as a child, Nan showed such wit and charm
With a temper that when risen, nothing could calm.
Nan was filled with such joy and glee
When she was told she would be going on a European journey.

Anne would be joining Archduchess Margaret’s household
To gain a European education and let her talents unfold.
With 18 women as a ‘fille d’honneur’ to Margeret’s court
Yearning to make her father proud, with much to be taught.

Now was the time for little Nan to grow
For the rivers of Destiny, like a stream would flow
She would work hard, doing all that she can
Little Nan would prosper as…

…’Mademoiselle Boullan’.

By Esther Hyams

Read Esther’s second poem “Mistress Anne” – click here.