Quiz – Henry VIII’s Six Wives

If you follow the Anne Boleyn and Tudor Society YouTube Channel, you’ll know that we just reached 45,000 subscribers. It’s lovely to think that so many people are interested in Tudor history and my take on it. A big thank you to you if you’re one of those subscribers. It really does help if you subscribe as it helps others to find my channel and videos.

To celebrate 45k subscribers, I decided to humiliate good old Tim (he loves it really!) with another of my Tudor History Challenges, and this time I quizzed him on Henry VIII’s six wives.

You can play along with us and see if you can beat Tim (I’m sure you can!), or you can just use the questions below the video The answers are at the bottom of this post – don’t cheat though!

1. What is the rhyme used by people to remember the fates of King Henry VIII’s wives?
2. In which year did Henry VIII marry Catherine of Aragon?
3. In which year was the young Anne Boleyn sent to join Margaret of Austria’s court?
4. What was the name of Jane Seymour’s family home? Bonus point: in which English county can it be found? (2 points)
5. True or false: Henry VIII called Anne of Cleves a “Flanders Mare”?
6. True or false: Catherine Howard was romantically involved with Thomas Culpeper before she married Henry VIII as well as afterwards?
7. For a possible 3 points, name Catherine Parr’s other 3 husbands. (3 points)
8. Name either of the books published by Catherine Parr.
9. When Catherine of Aragon was ill in December 1535, it was reported that she felt worse after consuming this and it, combined with the chandler’s report of her black heart, led to rumours that she’d been poisoned.
10. Which of Henry VIII’s wives is being described here: “everyone praises the lady’s beauty, both of face and body. One said that she excelled the Duchess [of Milan] as the golden sun did the silver moon”?
11. On which date in 1533 was Queen Anne Boleyn crowned at Westminster Abbey?
12. Where did Jane Seymour give birth to Edward VI in October 153, and also die 12 days later?
13. True or false: at her execution in February 1542, Catherine Howard cried out “I die a Queen, but I would rather die the wife of Culpeper.”
14. Where did Catherine Parr die in 1548 following the birth of a daughter?
15. Which of Henry VIII’s wives had the motto “God Send Me Well to Keep” as queen?

1. Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived.
2. 1509. They got married on 11 June 1509.
3. 1513.
4. Wulfhall (Wolf Hall), Wiltshire.
5. False. Gilbert Burnet, Bishop of Salisbury, wrote in his 1679 book that Henry “swore they had brought over a Flanders mare to him”, but that is him saying that Henry VIII uttered those words and it is not backed up by contemporary evidence.
6. True. It was when she first arrived at court to serve Anne of Cleves.
7. Edward Burgh, John Neville 3rd Baron Latimer, and Thomas Seymour, Baron Seymour of Sudeley.
8. Prayers or Meditations, or The Lamentation of a Sinner.
9. Welsh beer.
10. Anne of Cleves. It’s from a report by Henry VIII’s ambassador Christopher Mont.
11. 1 June.
12. Hampton Court Palace.
13. False. The account comes from the notoriously inaccurate Spanish Chronicle, and an eyewitness report makes no mention of these words and has Catherine and her lady, Jane Boleyn, making “the most Godly and Christian’s end” and giving the usual type of execution speech.
14. Sudeley Castle.
15. Anne of Cleves.

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4 thoughts on “Quiz – Henry VIII’s Six Wives”
  1. I did quite well, but I didn’t know the date Anne Boleyn was sent to Austria, or the title of Catherine Parr’s books, however when I saw the answer I remembered reading it on here, I did not know Anne of Cleves motto either, lovely seeing Madge!

  2. The only thing I didn’t get was the Welsh beer for K of A. It probably wasn’t the beer as beer was brewed in such a way as to purify water and kill bacteria. Her illness was related to cancer but at first Chapuys suspected poisoning, Anne no doubt was the main suspect, but he later admitted he was mistaken and he was of course grieving. Well he was her close friend and had been with her a few days before her death. Poison was often suspected when death was sudden, but Katherine had been ill for some while on and off and anything could have made her condition seem worse. Poison is more easily concealed in dark beverages, so it’s a good candidate for suspicion. However, Katherine died from the cancer and poor conditions of the palace drains, made worse by her treatment, not poison or Welsh beer.

    1. Yes and the black growth they found attached to her heart they wrongly thought was caused by poison, when in fact it must have been cancer, poor Katherine.

  3. I got 14 points. Pleased with that! These quizzes are a lot of fun, and Tim is such a good sport doing them. It’s all very amusing!

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