Are you interested in Anne Boleyn? Are you in the UK? Then you may be able to help journalists Charli Burden and Kathryn Dowling who are making a documentary on Anne. Here is a message from Charli:-
“Calling all Anne Boleyn fans! I’m Charli and I’m a broadcast journalist based in London, England. I’m making a television documentary about Anne’s status as a modern day heroine and I’m looking for Anne Boleyn fans to interview. Are you a member of the Anne Boleyn Fellowship or a follower of The Anne Boleyn Files? If Anne is your idol, if you buy the merchandise, watch all the films, read all the books and visit all the palaces, then we would love for you to get in contact.
We’re looking to arrange a meeting of Anne Boleyn fans in London to chat about why you love her. It will be a very informal meeting and as an Anne Boleyn fan myself, I’d be really interested to meet others in real life! Historians Alison Weir and Susan Bordo have already agreed to be in the film as well as Natalie Grueninger, Sarah Morris and Claire Ridgway. We are also hoping to get interviews with Philippa Gregory and Natalie Dormer. The film is being made by myself and a colleague so we are a small team and not at all intimidating! If this is something that you would like to be involved with, please contact me at Thank you!”
Please contact Charli at the email above if you are happy to meet up with her in London.
What a wonderfull initiative of you. I am a great Anne Boleyn fan since more than 30 years. But unfortunately I am living in Belgium, Antwerp. So I do buy all the interesting books about her in english and have to translate everything…what takes a lot of time.
I collect the information I find on her fanclub- mailadres and in the books of Ives, Loades etc. Recently I have made my personal biogr
This projects sounds awesome! Please give us updates on when this comes out and where we Candians can watch it.
What a great opportunity to get across the truth about this fascinating Lady. Unfortunately family commitments and distance dictates that I wouldn’t be able to apply to participate, but will look forward to the seeing the film when finished. Good Luck, and keep us posted on the progress.
Hello Claire,
I will be attending on 30th 🙂 I can’t wait I’m so exicted!
I’ve always been fascinated by Anne Boleyn and certainly hope that this film is going to air in the U.S.!!
I have alway be interested in Anne Boleyn. I would like to meet up with. I live in Gloucester
Alison, please could you contact Charli (her email is in the article) as she is the one co-ordinating it. Thanks! x
i would love to be part of this i love anne boleyn.
Although I wouldn’t be able to attend I think it’s a fab idea and Anne represents many things for many people. The ultimate femme fatale or the ultimate victim?.
Yes please. When is this?