Happy 12th Birthday to us!

I wrote the very first post here on the Anne Boleyn Files on 17th February 2009. That was at the very beginning of my journey of research into Queen Anne Boleyn, second wife of King Henry VIII and mother of Queen Elizabeth I, and I could never have predicted where it would lead.

A dream about being a member of the crowd at Anne Boleyn’s execution led to me asking Tim to set up this blog so I record record my research, and now, 12 years later, I have written several Tudor history books, I’ve written for magazines, I’ve spoken about the Boleyns at Hever Castle, I’ve co-led historical tours, I’ve chatted with wonderful historians, authors, experts and Tudor history lovers, and I spend my life immersed in Tudor history. Sometimes, I have to pinch myself.

It’s been an incredible journey, and I have much more planned. At the moment, I’m working on a book on Hever Castle with Dr Owen Emmerson and a course on the Tudor kings and queens for MedievalCourses.com, plus working on my videos for the Anne Boleyn Files and Tudor Society YouTube Channel, particpating in history projects, writing quizzes and doing talks for the Tudor Society, and sharing Boleyn information with you here – phew! Lots to keep me busy!

I wouldn’t be doing any of this without your support and I’ll be eternally grateful for that – thank you! I’m also grateful to the haters I’ve met on my journey because I’m a stubborn woman and if you tell me I can’t do something then I’m going to prove to you that I can! Take that!

One of the projects I really enjoyed was putting together my online course, The Life of Anne Boleyn, for MedievalCourses.com. I know some of you have already done it (I hope you enjoyed it!), but for those of you who are interested, you can save 25% off the course by using coupon code ABFBIRTHDAY between now and the end of Sunday 21st February 2021. You can find out all about the course at https://medievalcourses.com/overview/life-anne-boleyn-mc06/

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