Tudor books that really grab you

5 top Tudor history books
I’ve just shared 5 Tudor history books that really grabbed me, both fiction and non-fiction, over on Shepherd.com.

I absolutely adore these books and I hope you enjoy them too. Do let me know what you think of my five choices and feel free to share your top 5 Tudor books too.

You may also like “The Best Tudor Books”, a list of Tudor book picks chosen by experts. Just don’t blame me if your “to read” list gets longer and longer!

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One thought on “Tudor books that really grab you”
  1. I have Gareth’s book on Catherine Howard and De Lisles to about the Grey sisters, both wonderful books in my opinion, I might read The Virgin and the Crab since you recommend it Claire, of course I have my own favourite historical books, ‘ The Concubine’ by Lofts which I believe I have mentioned before and ‘ The Goldsmiths Wife’ by Plaidy, here she gives the reader a sympathetic view of Richard 111, it is not Tudor obviously, pre Tudor but I enjoyed it so much and then I purchased Weirs book on the ‘Princes In The Tower’, wonderfully researched book about these two tragic victims of the brutal age they lived in, my sister gave me a book about the ladies in waiting who served Anne Boleyn which I haven’t got round to reading yet, but am looking forward to it very much, Claire are you going to do your Tudor tours this year at all? I have never been but might be able to attend and they do sound so wonderful.

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