
As today is the anniversary of the death of Catherine Knollys (née Carey), wife of Sir Francis Knollys and daughter of Sir William Carey and Mary Boleyn, in 1569, it seems fitting to announce author Adrienne Dillard’s upcoming virtual book tour.

Adrienne’s novel, Cor Rotto: A Novel of Catherine Carey, was published in November 2014 and got well into the Top 100 historical fiction books (for kindle) on Amazon – congratulations Adrienne! To celebrate its success and to thank the Tudor history online community for its support, Adrienne is visiting 7 blogs next week to share guest articles and Q&A sessions, as well as giving away copies of her book. You can see the schedule in the poster above but here are the links, although I will be sharing these next week:

Adrienne’s book is available as a kindle ebook from Amazon and a paperback from Amazon or your usual bookseller.

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