Thank you to those of you who have already booked tickets for “Anne Boleyn, the Woman who changed England” – yay! I’m so excited about bringing this event to you! We’re going to have such fun delving into what made Anne Boleyn the fascinating woman she became, the woman Henry VIII just had to possess.
A big thank you also to those of you who have sent emails and messages asking questions about the conference. I’ve added your questions and my answers to the FAQ section on the event page at https://claireridgway.com/events/anne-boleyn-the-woman-who-changed-england/, but I thought I’d also answer them here.
When is “Anne Boleyn, the Woman who changed England”?
It runs from 28th February 2022 to 6th March 2022.
How do I get involved in the conference?
You buy your ticket at https://claireridgway.com/events/anne-boleyn-the-woman-who-changed-england/. You will then be able to register on the website, download your gifts, be kept informed of things as they happen, and access all the talks, live Q&A sessions and resources at the conference.
Is it free?
No, it’s a paid event and you can buy your ticket with a credit/debit card in one payment, or spread your payment with our payment plan.
Is there a payment plan?
Yes, there is. You can split your payment into two monthly payments if you wish.
What time of day will the expert historian talks be?
Each historian will pre-record their talks and their video talks will be published on the website on their scheduled day during the week 28th Feb to 6th March. You will be able to watch them at your leisure during that week, and, in fact, you will have lifetime access to them to watch them again and again.
When will the live Q&A sessions be?
The live chats with the historians will be spread out over 2 weeks, between 28th February and 12th March to give participants chance to watch the video talks first. Times will be published in advance and we aim to make them as accessible as possible to as many time zones as possible.
What if I can’t make a live Q&A session?
If you can’t make one of the sessions, you can submit your question in advance. Transcripts of the Q&A sessions will also be available to all ticket holders.
What if I’m hard of hearing? How can I enjoy the talks and chats?
The video talks will have closed captions and there will be transcripts available. The Q&A sessions will be in a private chatroom and will be typed.
What is the schedule for the week?
You’ll find the schedule of historian talks at https://claireridgway.com/events/anne-boleyn-the-woman-who-changed-england/, but here is a brief running order:
- 28 Feb – Anne Boleyn’s Irish Ancestry “Mine ancestors were called to honour” – Gareth Russell
- 1 March – Anne’s Royal Blood, the Boleyns and Howards – Claire Ridgway
- 2 March – Forging a Queen: Thomas Boleyn’s influence on his daughter, Anne – Dr Lauren Mackay
- 3 March – In the Footsteps of the Early Years of Anne Boleyn – Natalie Grueninger and Sarah Morris
- 4 March – Anne Boleyn and her tumultuous relationship with France – Dr Estelle Paranque
- 5 March – Anne Boleyn’s return to England and her debut at the English Court – Claire Ridgway
- 6 March – Bothe lovynge and kynde: Representation, Image and Agency in the Life of Anne Boleyn – Dr Owen Emmerson and Kate McCaffrey
- Also 6 March – Anne Boleyn, the woman who stole the hearts of a courtier, poet and king – Claire Ridgway
What will each day be like (general running order, technology, how to get involved etc.)?
Videos will be published on the site at 00:00 European time. For example, Gareth’s talk will be published on the site at 00:00 European time on 28th February so it will be there for you when you wake up on 28th. They will be video talks with closed captions and transcripts. You can watch the video the day they are published, or at a time that suits you.
My live masterclass “Who killed Anne Boleyn?” in January will be a livestream in a private Facebook group and a transcript will be available.
The live Q&A sessions will be in the website’s private chatroom. The chats are typed chats, so you can turn up in your pyjamas!
Will I have access after the event, and, if so, what will I be able to access?
As a ticket holder, you will have lifetime access to the video talks and all the resources.
Is it completely online and COVID safe?
Yes, it’s a completely virtual online event.
What date and time is the January masterclass?
My live masterclass is taking place on 15th January 2022 at two different times to suit different time zones. Both will be live.
It will be a livestream in a private Facebook group and you will receive an invitation to it in due course.
Masterclass time 1
If your time zone isn’t listed you can use https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html to convert the London time to your zone.
- London, UK – Saturday 15 January at 10am
- Madrid, Spain – Saturday 15 January at 11am
- New York, USA – Saturday 15 January at 5am
- Los Angeles, USA – Saturday 15 January at at 2am
- Sydney, Australia – Saturday 15 January at 9pm
- Adelaide, Australia – Saturday 15 January at 8.30pm
Masterclass time 2
- London, UK – Saturday 15 January at 11pm
- Madrid, Spain – Sunday 16 January at 12aom
- New York, USA – Saturday 15 January at 6pm
- Los Angeles, USA – Saturday 15 January at 3pm
- Sydney, Australia – Sunday 16 January at 10am
- Adelaide, Australia – Sunday 16 January at 9.30pm
When are tickets available?
Tickets will be available from now until 31st January 2022.
What do tickets include?
All the talks, live Q&A sessions, a souvenir book containing transcripts of all the talks and bios of all our speakers, audio versions of three of my books (The Anne Boleyn Collection, The Anne Boleyn Collection II and The Fall of Anne Boleyn: A Countdown), and if you buy a ticket before 31st December 2021 then you get to join my January masterclass “Who killed Anne Boleyn?”
Is the souvenir book an e-book, audiobook or paperback?
It’s a paperback book and will be sent to your address after the event.
I do hope that answers any questions you may have, but feel free to email me at claire@theanneboleynfiles.com if you have another question.
I do hope you can join me at this event. I really want to bring Anne Boleyn to life for you and to help you understand her even more.
Have a great weekend!