The Anne Boleyn Files in USA Today!

Yay! The Anne Boleyn Files has got a mention in USA Today in an article on the demise of “The Tudors” to tie in with the airing of the final season. Check out

for the full article. My name in close proximity to a photo of Jonathan Rhys Meyers – I think that’s the closest I’ll ever get!!

I am so jealous of you guys in the US – you get Season 4 starting this weekend! I’ve seen sneak peeks on YouTube and seen photos and it looks like it’s going to be a brilliant last season. Enjoy it!

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32 thoughts on “The Anne Boleyn Files in USA Today!”
  1. It is so nice to see your hard work recognized by USA today, something we here on the files are constantly in awe of. So well deserved Claire.

  2. Congrats, Claire! You done such a great job with this site and united a world of people in their quest for knowledge…and yes, having your name next to a pic of JRM is pretty awesome. =)

  3. That’s awesome! Congrats on the mention (and being near JRM…haha).

    I live in the US, but sadly I don’t have Showtime…so I’ll probably be forced to watch the edited version online (if they even do that anymore) or wait until the DVDs come out.

    How long until you get season 4 in the UK? Do you even know?

  4. So great to see this website recognized and for all the hard work you put into it Claire! Well done!!!!! Terrific article too – Henry described as the “ultimate self-absorbed blowhard!” Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!

  5. You really do deserve it Claire. (Spent part of last night trying to twist my husbands arm about the 2011 trip, if there is one! Interestingly, he didn’t say no, but I think he wants to know the total cost first!)

  6. Thank you so much, everyone! I think we all deserve a pat on the back as this website just would not be the wonderful community it is without all of you. Thanks for all your support and friendship.

    Fiz, there will definitely be a 2011 trip, I’m doing the planning at the moment. I will let you know the details soon – hope you can come!

  7. Like all of the other said, CONGRATULATIONS CLAIRE! If it wasn’t for you and your great website, I wouldn’t have even known that there were so many people still interested in Anne and the Tudors. I though that most people were interested in the rather unrealistic depiction of them on film and TV. Nor would a group of 25 of us be meeting at Hever Castle in May to meet other Tudor fanatics, so fans of your website have much to be thankful for!

  8. Another thing that I forgot to mention – I’ve always dreamed of wearing beautiful Tudor style dresses while eating dinner in a castle – now I’ll have the opportunity!

  9. Congrats Claire. How exciting. We are so proud of you. This is such a great site and all your work has definitely paid off. Finally you are getting the recognition you deserve.

  10. Congrats Claire! My boyfriend actually told me about the article, but failed to tell me that you were mentioned–so when I saw it I was so excited for you!! It’s great that you are getting recognition for your hard work! I know your website has helped me gain even more knowledge about the Tudor time period and I have no doubt that it will continue to do so! Again, Congrats and keep up the amazing work!!!! 🙂

  11. Congrats for being mentioned in the article. But I got to say that by having a quote by that Phillipa Gregory person makes the article lose a bit of its credibility.

    Still yay for being recognized, and the site too. Awesome!

    Cannot wait for the Tudors. I live in the US but don’t have Showtime so I watch the episodes a few hours after they air on streaming websites like or (if anyone is interested…its good for anything because I watch after airs of Doctor Who from the UK on one of them)

    Take a gander at the sites, you can watch with the US peoples if you choose. Episodes 1&2 of Season 4 have already been online for a while.

    Congrats of the mention again. Here’s to more Anne enthusiasts joining the fun! Cheers!

  12. Hi Claire

    I can only echo what others have said. Congratulations on the mention it is richly deserved.

  13. Congratulation Claire, you absolutely deserved it for your two wonderful sites! and maybe you’ll get even closer to JRM, since a great Tudor fan like you should be invited at any event or party linke to the TV show!

  14. Thanks for the link, Matterhorn. I think this issue is going to be an ongoing argument! Gareth Russell makes some very valid points – although Ives, and many other point out that a girl of six would be unlikely to be sent abroad to the Habsburg court, Margaret of Austria does comment on Anne’s youth: “I find her so bright and so pleasant for her young age that I am more beholden to you for sending her to me than you are to me” and of course the Duchess of Feria wrote of Anne not even being 29 when she died – hmmmm…

  15. Thanks again for everyone for all of the heartwarming comments, I really appreciate them and your support of the site, I think Anne would be proud of us all. xx

  16. I just read the article via Facebook and I was like ” I belong as an email subscriber to that site!” cool.
    Congrats Claire! Here’s hoping that the mention will bring recognition and more fans to your great site. 🙂

  17. Hello Claire,

    I hope this is the start of you getting the proper recognition that you truely deserve, not only for the incredible achievement of setting up this entertaining and educational site, but for another reason as well. There are a large number of very different people who contribute to this site who are from different countries and have different opinions. Yet you have managed to unite us in a way that owes itself as much to your character as to Anne Boleyn. That in itself is a remarkable acheivement.

  18. Congrats Claire!! Much deserved recognition!
    You’re missing out over there, the first episode is very scandalous! 🙂

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