Tim and I just wanted to wish all Anne Boleyn Files followers a very Merry Christmas with this little video message (see below).
By the way, if you’re having withdrawal symptoms from the Anne Boleyn Files Advent Calendar, you can revisit the days all over again at www.theanneboleynfiles.com/advent2018/.
I do hope you enjoyed the Tudor treats.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you both and a very Happy New Year 2019 ..
Thank you for all the posts on TABF & TABS in the past year! I learn new things (gain knowledge) from your daily posts, just when you think you know everything there is to know, a new book .. a new blog or someone discovers new material, always a delight to read ..
Hope you soon feel better Claire i woke up with the sniffles, and last night didn’t feel too good, Iv just popped a few pills, as long as we can enjoy the dinner that’s all that’s matter, must say that’s the first time iv seen Tim he looks cute! The advent calendars been great and this past month seems to have flown by and it’s hard to believe it’s Christmas Day, in the Daily Mail it has an article on Xmas traditions and Henry 11 used to eat pickled boar and present giving on the new year started in the 13 th c, roasted peacock and swan as we know the royals feasted on anyway along with loads of other game birds and fish and meat, but imagine anyone today being faced with a swan or peacock on the dining table? Such lovely birds and the swan belongs to the monarch anyway it is illegal to shoot kill or maim a swan, anyway hope your voice soon clears have a glass of brandy, I find that does the trick xx
Merry Christmas Claire and Tim and to your family.
Merry Christmas to everyone on the Anne Boleyn files.
Had a nice meal with my 91 year old mum and then took her home and made her a cuppa.
Now sitting with feet up, coke and malt whisky and a Game of Thrones bonanza.
Have a lovely time.
Lyn-Marie and Steve.
Claire and Tim,
Have a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year! I have enjoyed the Advent Calendar so much. Thank you both for all the hard work you do for all of us who love everthing Tudor. Blessings to you both!
Happy Christmas Claire &Tim, children & pets, I too enjoyed the Advent Calendar, ticking down the days towards this 2018 Christmas. We lost our beloved Golden Retriever, Prudence, on the 5th December, and our celebrations this year have been muted: she was a joy to live with and no little light has left us in her golden passing. But traditionally, Christmas has always pointed us forward, to the light, which has faded throughout December, only to rise again after the Solstice, so that we say, with renewed hope, a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, to you, and yours and your dear ones.
Oh dear Globerose I’m so sorry about poor Prudence, golden retrievers are lovely so good with kids and gentle dogs, they are really part of the family aren’t they? God bless you xx
Happy Christmas Christine, BQ and everyone and the very best New Year. Thanks Christine for your kind words: our Prudence was a therapy dog. She worked with autistic children to help them overcome their fear of dogs and just wanted to connect with everyone she met and drew people to her. One thing, probably really the only thing, I share with Anne Boleyn is a love of dogs. You too, I’m sure. Here in Bournemouth, in the Arboretum, at the river, is a tree which we decorate each December with baubles dedicated to pets we have lost. Someone will add a poem they’ve written to share their grief. Prudence has her golden bauble this year. We remember her with love and joy.
That’s a lovely thing to do, yes I love dogs we used to have a Jack Russell when I was a kid and then a part Jack Russell/ Border Terrier, a Collie named aptly ‘Lassie’ they all had their own unique characters were all lovely in their own way, now I have cats and I adore them, Prudence sounds wonderful and the children she worked with must miss her, she will always be with you, dogs are very lovable and cats to as they love you unconditionally xx