Day 24 of the Anne Boleyn Files Advent Calendar

Sadly, it’s the final day of our Anne Boleyn Files Advent Calendar. I have one last Tudor treat for you, and it’s a yummy one.

I do hope you’ve enjoyed the Advent Calendar. Do feel free to use it to get your Tudor ‘fix’ over Christmas by visiting days you’ve missed or by doing it all over again. All you have to do is click on the link in the cover image at the top of this website or go to

A big thank you to those who contributed Tudor treats for our 2018 Advent Calendar and to Anne Boleyn Files followers for using the calendar.

If you need a daily dose of Tudor history to keep you sane over the festive period then you can browse the archives here at the Anne Boleyn Files or have a look around the Tudor Society.

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

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8 thoughts on “Day 24 of the Anne Boleyn Files Advent Calendar”
  1. Can’t believe this is the last day of Advent. Thank you and all those who gave to it for another fun and informative calendar.

    Merry Christmas to Claire, Tim, BQ, Christine and all those who post comments or in other ways contribute to this amazing website. May your Christmas be joyous, loving and in all ways positive.

    See you on the other side (of Christmas)

  2. Thanks Claire! These were great! I appreciate all the entries you compiled and worked on. Merry Christmas! Michelle t

  3. Ooh the chocolate log, yes that’s an old tradition bringing in a log to burn but I bet most folks prefer the edible variety, now this old tradition is incorporated in the delicious chocolate log of Buche de Noel we have today, I sw Delia make one and the filling ws chestnut purée with cream, it looked very decadent, iv often thought of making a log but this year I made my Christmas cake and il be making a trifle for the new year so that’s enough cooking for me, thankyou for your Christmas greetings Michael and I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas , likewise Claire and her family and I have thoroughly enjoyed the advent calendar it’s been a real treat and to Bq and Steve, and to all the other lovely people who post on here to, iv been shopping today and I’m shattered and iv still got two more presents to wrap as I run out of paper, take care everyone and have a great time xx

  4. Merry Christmas to Claire and Tim, Michael and Christine and Globerose and everyone here and your families. Just finishing the cooking, it is looking fine. I remember my first yule log that I made in school with two or three bars of dairy milk chocolate and proper milk. It was great fun. The mix of mid winter festivals and our Christmas is quite fantastic. The yule log of course as the article explains used to be a log and burn for twelve days to signify the victory of the sun over the darkness. Tonight here is a very bright moon and clear skies. Despite the national forecast here we are in for some well overdue reasonably mild dry weather for a few days. I am looking forward to tomorrow and relaxing now as everything is ready.

    A very holy and happy Christmas to you all. See you all on Wednesday so have a good time.

    1. I’m just watching Scrooge with Alastair Sim had a slice of Tunis cake, it’s just lovely relaxing with Dickens classic Christmas tale.

      1. What is a Tunis cake? I love the Alistair Sim Christmas Carol, a bit spooky. I love the Muppet one as well. Happy Christmas.

        1. Tunis cake is just like a Madeira cake but with a coating of thick milk chocolate on the top, Mcvities made some lovely ones in the 80’s then they went out of production, they had coloured icing on top and marzipan fruits in the centre, some shops still do them but there not as good as Mcvities, I emailed them not long ago asking them to consider making them again, their quite an old dessert, yes the muppet Christmas Carol is funny and I like the musical with Albert Finney, though I think the Alister Sim one is more in keeping with the Dickens tale, hope you had a good Christmas to.

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