Happy 3rd Birthday Anne Boleyn Files and Book Launch

On this day in history, 17th February 2009, I wrote my very first post on The Anne Boleyn Files. Its title was “In Search of the Real Anne Boleyn” and opened with the words “My purpose in starting this blog is to record and share my journey of discovery, my mission to expose the real Anne Boleyn”.

It was written when there were absolutely no visitors to the site, just little old me, and I can’t quite believe how things have sky-rocketed in three years. We now have nearly 25,000 people visit the site each and every month! Wow!

The last three years have been a real journey, a huge learning curve and an amazing experience. I’ve loved every minute of it and I’m glad that my purpose and mission still hold true to those opening words of the 17th February 2009 post. Every day I feel that bit closer to Anne Boleyn and the Boleyn family as I did and dig.

The Anne Boleyn Collection Now Available

It’s funny how things come together isn’t it? I was aiming for a March 2012 release for The Anne Boleyn Collection but it went live on Amazon yesterday just in time for our birthday celebrations – incredible! It is available as a Kindle version (on Amazon US and UK) and as a paperback (on Amazon US). The paperback has only just gone live and Amazon are still working on the listing so it may be that it becomes “unavailable” at times and disappears – please bear with it, it will be back!

Here are the links:-

Thanks to those who have already left reviews, I really appreciate it. Please “like” the book on its Amazon pages and spread the message.

I’m so excited about this – have been hopping around the place since I received the proof copy and have been blabbing to everyone who makes the mistake of talking to me. Excited just doesn’t cover it! Of course, I couldn’t have done it without you. This website could have died a death in 2009, it could have just fizzled out, but you stopped that and for that I will be eternally grateful. The Anne Boleyn Files wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for me but it wouldn’t carry on if it wasn’t for you. This book would never have happened without the feedback I get on a daily basis from you.

Thank you so much for being a part of this amazing journey and for all your encouragement, love and support over the past three years. Tim’s getting me a bottle of bubbly later and I will be toasting the site, the book and you.

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