Anne Boleyn Experience 2020 – New dates announced!

I just wanted to share this bit of good news with you!

Firstly, apologies for the sound of the sea breeze, which just wouldn’t let up! I wanted to do something a bit more informal and have a change of scenery for this video so I hope you can forgive me. It wasn’t quite as windy as it sounds!

Many of you were disappointed that the Anne Boleyn Experience May 2020 filled up so quickly, so after putting our diaries together Philippa set about organising a second Anne Boleyn Experience 2020 and everything came beautifully together – phew!

It’s running from the 12th-16th July 2020.

Let me tell you a bit more about this tour in this video.

You can book your place at

It is filling up fast and as I write this it is already over half full, so do act quickly.

You can find out more about all our tours and sign up on the mailing list at

Next year’s tours are:

  • The Anne Boleyn Experience May 2020 – Sold Out
  • The Anne Boleyn Experience July 2020 – Spaces Available
  • The Elizabeth Experience September 2020 – Sold Out
  • Tudor & Stuart Witchcraft and Medicine October 2020 – Spaces Available

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One thought on “Anne Boleyn Experience 2020 – New dates announced!”
  1. Such a delight seeing the beach Claire and I’m quite envious to as over here it’s been grey murky and drizzling on and of all day, there was a lot of interference but your voice is clear as always and you are right about sensing the presence of the Boleyn family, I did to when I visited Hever Castle, or perhaps it is because we feel more about the place as we are so interested in Anne and her history? The fact that she walked those very floors and touched the walls with her hands, that she roamed in the gardens, are the two portraits of Anne and the one purported to be of Mary Boleyn still hang side by side? The Barbie pink bathroom made me gag, only if your a little girl of six would you like that, I wonder what Lady Astors husband thought, I may book up on a tour one year have to see how my money goes, it must be so delightful actually sleeping in one of those cosy beds waking up and staring at the ornately carved ceilings, I would feel Annes presence there every minute of the day.

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