Claire’s photos from The Anne Boleyn Experience 2018

I finally got a few minutes to myself to go through my photos from this year’s Anne Boleyn Experience Tour and thought that I’d share them here for you to enjoy.

Philippa and I are running the Anne Boleyn Experience again in May 2019 (yay!) and if you want to join us then you can find out more and reserve your place at

If I had to narrow it down and pick my top two favourite things about this tour (I have so many favourite things!), I’d have to say:

  1. Staying at Hever Castle – So many ‘pinch me’ moments for an Anne Boleyn fan like me!
  2. ‘Talking Tudor’ to people who are just as obsessed with Tudor history as I am. To actually see their eyes light up with excitement rather than glaze over with boredom is a beautiful thing.

I hope you enjoy these photos!

Day 1 – Off to Hever Castle

Day 2 – Hever Castle exterior and the gardens

St Peter’s Church, Hever

Talk from Bess Chilver on Tudor Costume

Private evening tour of Hever Castle<

Hampton Court Palace


If you want to join us on next year’s Anne Boleyn Experience Tour then go to and reserve your place now.

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13 thoughts on “Claire’s photos from The Anne Boleyn Experience 2018”
  1. So, you say you shared SOME of your photos? Thank you so much. This really looks like a lot of fun and I would love to do but just don’t have the time. I will continue to live vicariously through your site and pics.

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you! The photos are so wonderful! It almost had me feeling like I was there. My dream is to visit Hever the next time I’m in England… I just need to find someone to go with me!a

  3. Thank you s much for posting! Wonderful for those of us who will probably never get there! Anne was my great-great-great cousin. Hampton court is ok but perhaps Jane seymours portrait should not hang in Hever Castle.

    1. Don’t know how much of Hampton Court you’ve explored – but I’ve never heard it described as ‘ok’ before. It’s possibly the most fascinating Tudor delight in the World. Totally agree about Seymour’s portrait. A question: how do you know about your relationship with Anne and by Anne I’m presuming you mean Anne Boleyn? 1. you don’t have ‘great-great-great cousins’, only 1st cousin, 2nd cousin, 1st cousin once removed, etc etc. 2. in an average year there may be 3 – 4 generations maybe 5 if people don’t live all that long, so in 500 years since Anne’s birth there would have been at least 15-20 generations. 3. from my quick researches if you are an extremely distant cousin then you would be an extremely distant cousin of Queen Elizabeth II.

  4. I really enjoyed the pictures. Thank you for sharing them. I was fortunate enough to go to Hampton Court 3 years ago when I was in London. Loved it!!! I’m from the USA.

  5. It all looks fabulous and reminds me of a trip to Hever I made many years ago, the dummies in the gallery depicting scenes from Anne’s life I recall and thinking how spooky it would be at night, the photo of the replica clock shows the extravagant gifts Henry wooed his sweetheart with, clocks in the 16th c were expensive articles and a rarity so that one must have cost him a fortune, we have Lord Astor to thank for the magnificence of Hever today including the little village he had erected, Anne’s book of hours is exquisite and it’s easy ti imagine her sitting in a window seat reading the pages with an earnest expression on her face, I’m so glad Hever was not left to crumble and decay as with this enchanting building we have a link to Anne and her tragic story, thankyou for sharing the photos with us Claire well done.

  6. Great to see photos of Hever Castle and also to see that it hasn’t altered since I was last there. Two years ago my whole family (all 9 of us spanning 3 generations) celebrated my husband’s 70th with a long weekend at Hampton Court and these two wonderful buildings vie to be my favourite place on Earth! My love affair with Anne Boleyn goes way back and my wedding gown and headdress in 1973 was based on Anne’s in the Anne of the Thousand Days film. Six years ago our son married at the Layer Marney Tudor Gatehouse and we were entertained by an amazing mediaeval musician who played the lute and the hurdy-gurdy. I’m so pleased that you had such a terrific Tudor time. For those of you interested in language – you will all know that Tudor was a Welsh family name; you may not be aware that in Welsh ‘u’ is pronounced as ‘i’. So the great royals were not Tudors, but TIDIRS!

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