16 January – Thomas Howard breaks his promise about Mary, Queen of Scots and, Thomas Seymour, a kidnap attempt

On this day in Tudor history, 16th January 1572, Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk, eldest son of the late Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, was tried and found guilty of treason at Westminster Hall.

Norfolk had promised Queen Elizabeth I that he would not get involved with Mary, Queen of Scots, ever again, but it was a promise that he just couldn’t keep. Once again, he had become involved in a plot against Elizabeth I and in support of Mary, Queen of Scots. He wouldn’t escape punishment this time.

Find out exactly what happened in this talk…

Also on this day in Tudor history, 16th January 1549, Edward VI’s uncle, Thomas Seymour, was alleged to have broken into the King Edward VI’s apartments at Hampton Court Palace to kidnap the young King.

You can find out exactly what happened in Claire’s video from last year – https://youtu.be/EPxknjmtU8Q

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