11 October – A journey, a procession, a death and an arrest

This day in history was rather a busy one! As I have written about these four events before I thought it best to link to my previous articles rather than write about them all over again!

At dawn on 11th October 1532, Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn set sail from Dover on The Swallow bound for Calais. The main purpose of this trip was for Henry and Anne to gain King Francis I’s public recognition and approval of their relationship. Click here to read more about this trip and to see a timeline with clickable links.

On Thursday 11th October 1537, there was a solemn procession in London to pray for Jane Seymour, Henry VIII’s third wife and queen consort, who was in labour, a labour which was to last for over 30 hours. Click here to read more.

On 11th October 1542, Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder, poet and diplomat, died at Clifton Maybank House, the home of his friend Sir John Horsey, in Sherborne Dorset. He had been complaining of severe headaches since 1539 and he was just 39 years old at the time of his death. Click here to read more about Wyatt.

On 11th October 1549, Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, Lord Protector of the Realm and Governor of the King’s Person, was arrested and brought in front of Edward VI. Click here to read more about why he was arrested.

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