As I write this, there are 1,325 posts and 874 pages on The Anne Boleyn Files, so it can be difficult to find what you’re looking for. However, there are things that can help:
- Google Search Box (right hand side menu bar) – Even I can’t find past articles I’ve written and I’ve found this search box to be the quickest and easiest way of finding my past articles. Simply type in a keyword, phrase or name into the search box and it will give you a list of articles that match it. It’s brilliant.
- Categories – I sort each post I write into a category, e.g. Anne Boleyn execution, Henry VIII, Six Wives etc. so that you can search for posts about specific topics. See the Categories list in the left hand side menu bar.
- Tags – I tag each post I write with keywords. For example, if I write a post about Anne Boleyn’s fall, I might tag it “Anne Boleyn”, “Anne Boleyn Fall”, “Anne Boleyn downfall”, “May 1536” etc. so that it can be searched for via tags. You’ll find a tag cloud of popular keywords in the right hand side menu and you can search for other keywords using the Google Search Box.
- Top main menu bar – At the top of The Anne Boleyn Files website, there is a main menu bar and you will find a “Bios” section (where you can browse bios of Tudor Characters), an Anne section and Resources section. There are lots of pages within each menu, so do make sure you have a good browse.
The Google Search Box is the best way to find information on a specific top but I am always happy to point you in the right direction – email me at You can also use the forum to ask questions and discuss Tudor topics, and why not leave a comment on a post and start a discussion?
I received notification that filming has begun on WOLF HALL and will be on Masterpiece theater on PBS stations in 2015. Once I get information as to when it will air , I will post it for anyone interested.
Hi Clare
Can I ask you what happened to the famous B necklace after Anne was beheaded? Did Elizabeth get it or was it given to her maids ???
Dear Claire In October of 2018 I happened to see a you tube video on Hampton Court. I was immediately hooked on Henry the Eighth and his wives. I am especially smitten with Anne Boleyn.I love to watch The Anne Boleyn Files on you tube. I am going to join the Tudor Society . Is there a subscription to The Anne Boleyn Files? I love it so. There is no one I can talk Tudor with except my cats and dogs. My girlfriend and best pal never want to hear the name Anne Boleyn again !! I’m alone here! When I say I’m hooked I mean it. My bedroom has framed pictures of Henry and his wives and the entire Tudor dynasty complete with framed write ups below each picture, Etc. Signed Karl with a”K”
Have you ever visited Sudeley Castle in Winchcombe? They have a large permanent exhibition on the six wives of Henry VIII. Very interesting.
Thanks for all the information Claire keep up the good work.