trump_clinton_boleynI’m not in the US and I’m not American but it’s hard to get away from what’s happening today.

My social media feeds are full of videos, posts, news articles – you name it! – about the election. I feel like hibernating today and perhaps I will.

Obviously, some of you will be wanting to follow it all, but for those of you who don’t, I thought I’d make a list of things to keep you occupied.

Here you go!

  • The Anne Boleyn Files archives – As I write this, there are over 2,300 posts and over 870 pages on the Anne Boleyn Files for you to enjoy. You can browse “Recent Posts” in the left-hand side menu, the “Categories” section which is also in the left-hand side menu, all the sections on the top menu and also search for specific topics using the Google search box in the right-hand side menu. That will keep you busy!
  • Anne Boleyn Day – All of the videos that MadeGlobal Publishing made for Anne Boleyn Day 2016 (19 May) are available on YouTube. Click here to work your way through the playlist which consists of 19 Anne Boleyn themed videos.
  • Tudor Cooking with Claire – I regularly make “Tudor Cooking with Claire” videos which involve me cooking from Tudor or medieval recipes. Click here to view those now.
  • George Boleyn Interviews – Back in 2014, Clare Cherry and I made a series of videos in which we discussed our research into the life and times of George Boleyn, brother of Anne Boleyn. There are 9 of these videos and you can click here to view them now.
  • Anne Boleyn Files YouTube Channel – There are various other videos on the AB Files YouTube channel too.
  • Tudor Society and Tudor Life magazine – Our sister site The Tudor Society has over 1,000 articles, 111 weekly video talks, 27 expert talks from historians and authors, 106+ hours of video, 120 quizzes and 27 magazines to enjoy if you’re a Tudor Society member – see Or, you can enjoy the monthly magazine with a magazine-only subscription. If you scroll down the page at, the May 2015 issue, which is all about Anne Boleyn, is available free to read. Something to get stuck into today!
  • Tudor history books – Grab a hot chocolate/coffee/wine/whisky/coke (delete as appropriate), a blanket and a good book and forget about the rest of the world. My books aren’t too bad (I’m so cheeky!) but there are sooooo many Tudor history-themed books out there, from non-fiction and biographies, to historical thrillers, romances and time-travel novels. With techy solutions like the free kindle reading app for phones, tablets, PCs etc. you can find a book and start reading it in seconds.
  • Shop! – A little bit of retail therapy may be called for today. Obviously we have the Anne Boleyn Files shop full of Tudor-themed goodies here for you to browse, but there are obviously many online shops for you to browse or why not get out of the house and go shopping?
  • Tudor attractions, museums, galleries… – Depending on what country you’re in, and on seasonal opening times etc., you could immerse yourself in history by visiting an historical attraction or museum.

Do feel free to share any other ideas you may have to keep busy today. Hopefully one or two of those will help keep you sane today. Me? Well, I’m researching, that will keep me nice and busy. Have fun whatever you’re doing today.

P.S. Please don’t vote for Anne Boleyn today as your vote may not count.

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11 thoughts on “Tips for surviving today”
  1. Thank you Claire! It is indeed a pleasant distraction
    from today’s chaotic buzz! I will definitely find
    Anne my therapeutic diversion!

  2. I would LOVE to vote for Anne (I’m American). She would be a vest improvement on the ridiculous choice we have this year.

  3. Thank you Claire I am an American and would love to spend my evening reading about Anne it would be a very welcomed distraction right now.

  4. Thank you Claire…just what I needed in this US election fever time! it makes you feel as if we are in the US not the UK!
    I shall be enjoying some reading time with Anne!

  5. Oh American brothers and sisters what have you done? Not that either choice was great, but oh dear me. Thankfully the sensible people of America and all nations eill be tuned to the Anne Boleyn files instead. A great list of things to help recover from the sight of Trump 24\7. I know that the result has to be on the news but every programme was moved on TV this afternoon. I have been on history sites instead. A great list of things to do, we will need them as we are destined to have the result for the next three months until he is sworn in. Dear BBC please note I pay my license to watch British television, not Trump TV. Drama and history, please. Now where was I, ah yes, some Tudor cooking I think.

    1. yes Banditqueen one can never overestimate the stupidity of the American voters. Now people are protesting in the streets but it is too late. Since i am too old to immigrate, I will take Claire’s excellent suggestion to read and study for the next 4 years. And that shall be a fun, interesting and worthwhile distraction! PS- sorry that all of you and others in the world have to be subjected to our embarrassment of an election too!

  6. Thanks Claire, this will definitely also help on other lazy days (baaldag in dutch :p)! I’ll never get sick of Tudor related stuff!

  7. As an American voter I can only say I have been on Claire’s wonderful site since the outcome of the vote. I can not believe this result. I have not watched any national news since the morning of September 9th and will not be a part of watching the inauguration. Since my ancestry is deeply rooted in England and Ireland (traced back too the early 1500’s) I love reading here. Thank you Claire for all your hard work to bring us such a wonderful history site. It is a God send. Since the inmates have now taken over the asylum I will reading more here and from my many Tudor history books.

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