Tudor Society – Magazine-only subscription now available

spread_of_magazinesAs you probably know, I am one of the founder members of the Tudor Society. I started the Society to bring together people who loved Tudor history with historians and experts who could share their knowledge. That was back in 2014, and the Tudor Society has gone from strength to strength. We’ve been producing monthly magazines packed with articles about the Tudor monarchs, Tudor people, Tudor life, places and events for over two years now. The magazine is called Tudor Life and is edited by historian Gareth Russell, with some wonderful regular contributors writing for it. What’s great is that it is Tudor focused – no more flicking through a history magazine hoping for a Tudor-themed article!

While writing this post, I thought I’d go and have a look at the covers of all 27 magazines from our archives, and it really makes me want to go back and read them all again! If only I had the time! See https://www.tudorsociety.com/magazine/ for all of the covers and to read a sample magazine (our May 2015 Anne Boleyn special).

One thing that some people have mentioned, is that although they loved the possibility of expert talks, live-chat sessions, videos, quizzes, resources and articles that make being a Tudor Society member so worthwhile, they just didn’t have time to take advantage of full membership and so just wanted to be able to enjoy the Tudor Society digital magazines. It’s taken a long time to work out how to do it, but it has finally happened! Digital magazine-only subscriptions are now available at only $4.85 per month (approx. £3.90/€4.40/6.30AUD), with special pricing and offers if you take out a six-month or annual subscription – click here for full details now.

I’ve gone through the website and picked out a few comments from people underneath the magazines. I agree with them all…

“A really enjoyable read. I started to read it at the beginning of X Factor and just finished reading it before Poldark started. What a great way to spend a Sunday night” – Lynne

“Beautiful issue!” – Stephanie

“This is the first issue I have read. I plan on checking out the back issues. The article about the Tower of London was great… Keep up the great work and bring us more articles about some of the lesser known people!” – John

“Bravo! What a very well written magazine. I have never read anything relating to history that I could not stop reading. I loved all of the articles. Especially the one about Elizabeth of York. It was very compelling to get to know a little more about my descendant. I really got to know more about her. I also liked the article on Melancholy.” – Linda

“I absolutely love your magazine and eagerly wait for each and every edition. Once downloaded, I read it from cover to cover. Thank you for all the work and effort to make them all so informative and entertaining.” – Kim

“I love reading all these magazines! I can’t wait till the day I can actually cross the water to England and see the places where the history took place!” – Leslie

“I look forward to these magazines each month. I can’t wait to read this one. Keep up the great work!!” – Brandi

“Looking forward to reading this, as ever. Such a high-quality magazine.” – Ceri

I hope you’ll consider subscribing

Obviously, we still offer full-access membership too!

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6 thoughts on “Tudor Society – Magazine-only subscription now available”
  1. Claire,
    I have never gotten this magazine. I believe I’m a charter member of the society. Hope you, Tim and family are doing well. You guys have done an outstanding job on all of this!

    I can HARDLY wait until this awful election in OVER !

    1. Hi Jean,
      Thank you, we’re all well and hope you are too. I know what you mean, my Facebook feed is full of election stuff and I’m not even in the US! I’ve just checked your membership and everything seems OK with it. The magazine is digital so you just need to go to the magazine category and then read them online or download them. There are 27 of them there. Something to get stuck into today and tomorrow!

      Take care xx

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