The Tudors Episode Guides

I’ve set out on a rather mammoth task! I’m going to be writing an episode guide of each episode of each season of “The Tudors” along with a list of inaccuracies I spot in the episodes.

Obviously it’s going to take me a while to do as I have to watch the episodes, write up what happens and then make a list of the inaccuracies, so please do be patient with me!

I have completed three guides – the first two episodes from Season 1 and the first episode from Season 4. Click here to go to my “The Tudors” Episode Guide.

Please do join in and point out any inaccuracies you spot and also things that were accurate in the series. I’m sure I’ll miss lots of things out!

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9 thoughts on “The Tudors Episode Guides”
  1. Hi!
    I really appreciate what your about to do. It’s going to be great to rewatch the Tudors with a guide for every episode. Thanks!

  2. Oh, thank goodness for this.
    Claire, this will be a huge task, but worth it. The only problem is, it just needs everybody who doesn’t read the Anne Boleyn Files to read it!

  3. A big and brave undertaking! Thank you for this, it should be a great series. These wacky inaccuracies are all the more frustrating as there usually doesn’t seem to be even any dramatic “need” for them. I mean, the real history is so much more interesting than anything anyone can make up.

    I’ve been rather absent lately, so don’t think I’ve lost interest or stopped being supportive of this site- I’ve just been having some personal difficulties to deal with recently and most of my internet time and energy has gone into a long and challenging series of my own, trying to answer a number of rather lurid rumors currently being flung at the Belgian royals, past and present. That series is finally finished, thank goodness.

  4. Great idea! I’m looking forward to reading your reviews. The Tudorswiki site has a similar page btw, where they wrote down the mistakes they spotted in the show as well as – to be fair- the many accuracies (like true quotes and such).

  5. Can’t wait to read it! I refused to watch the first three series because of the inaccuracies etc, but I’ve been watching series 4 and even though there are many mistakes, I have to admit to enjoying it so I guess I’ll have to track down the other three series and watch those too! Anyone know if Ambassador Marillac makes any further appearances before the end of series 4? He is my eye-candy 🙂

    Sarah x

  6. If you could try to pinpoint the times in each episode, that would be great! I know that some episodes jump ahead especially in the second season.

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