The Fall of Anne Boleyn Book Tour Day 9 – The Tudors

Day 9 of The Fall of Anne Boleyn: A Countdown virtual book tour sees me being interviewed by Anthony over at his blog on the Tudor monarchs – thanks, Anthony!

Click here to read the interview now.

I am offering a pewter bookmark featuring Anne Boleyn’s falcon badge to one lucky person who leaves a comment there before midnight on Sunday 10th June.

Tomorrow, I end my book tour/blog hop with a guest article at the blog of the lovely Tudor Roses.

Missed out on my other articles and interviews? You can see the book tour schedule, with links, at The Fall of Anne Boleyn: A Countdown Virtual Book Tour

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3 thoughts on “The Fall of Anne Boleyn Book Tour Day 9 – The Tudors”
  1. Claire that interview was great! Congrats!! I’m so happy for you and all that you’ve accomplished so far 🙂 Keep up the good work 🙂

  2. Fabuloud Interview! I do hope you continue to do your research, and write more! She is my most favorite historical person.

  3. Hi Claire,Wow girl you have been really on the go the past few years,take a deep breath! I so enjoy the sites and that you have brouht to the table on Queen Anne,as well as all the people that were a part of this history,so many trajic things happend.I even look at Queen Victourias life with, her greedy mother and that fellow she took up with.What a great love story,yet her mother remined me of Queen Jane Grey,mother very greedy,mean selfish,little did they know that this ,Queen Victouria was not going to take any guff out of her mother.I think maybe Queen Jane Grey should have considerd not bending for those mean parents.Also not to speak badly about the Kings of EngLand,but the Queens, were far better rulers on the throne then any King I have read about,at least the Great Queens that lasted to rule.I love your books they were both fab!! Looking forward to much more a big Thank You. Barooness x

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