Anne Boleyn Advent CalendarMany children (and adults!) around the world have enjoyed opening the first window of their advent calendar today and beginning the countdown to Christmas. Well, with the help of my trusty sidekick (husband Tim, bless him!), I have produced The Anne Boleyn Files 2011 Advent Calendar!

OK, so I can’t promise you chocolates, Lego toys or gimmicks this advent – sorry! – but I can promise you interesting “on this day in history” articles, facts and trivia, will that do?

I hope you enjoy using it and you can’t cheat, I’m afraid, there’s no way of opening all the windows at once and then taping them back shut with this calendar!

To open today’s window, simply click on the picture or click here

Happy Advent!

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20 thoughts on “The Anne Boleyn Files Advent Calendar”
  1. I always wanted one with chocolates, but I haven’t seen them in my country. But historical facts :P~ Thank you, this is awesome!!!

  2. This is fantastic, what a great idea! I always think about getting an advent calendar but then forget till about half-way through December. But this is better – no chocolates means zero extra calories which is no bad thing at this time of the year. I’ll have to stop by and open a new window every day! Thank-you Claire for all your wonderful work this year and i hope you have a terrific Christmas and New Years 🙂 🙂

  3. Tim and Claire… never seem to run out of ideas…..your minds are always working with your passion for the AB Files….and we your loving public reap the wonderful rewards…….Linda and I are hoping that you both, and your family, have a wonderful Christmas season followed by a fabulous New Year……we are still going to get over there to see you, Promise….Switzerland was full of unbelievable memories for me…such quality time with my friend of 45 years and his wife and they truly treated my like a king, Henry VIII would even have been envious…..I saw such beautiful sites, ate such yummy food and pastries, bonded with my friends children, who call me Uncle now, and when the day came to leave, I did not want to go…so Linda and I will return….what would we do without our many friends in Europe of which you and Tim are 2 of……hugs

  4. I used to love advent calenders when I was little and this one is such a good idea. Plus I won’t get tempted off my diet with this one. 🙂

  5. LOVE THIS! It’s so festive. =) Looks like my kids have their Advent Calendar, and now I have mine- complete with tastey bits of Tudor History and facts to keep my mind full. Thank you for putting a smile on all of our faces. Happy Advent! =)

  6. This is the first time I’ve opened up an advent calendar (I”m Jewish) … and I love it. Claire, your creativity is amazing. I wish you and Tim all the best this season and for the new year.

  7. Hi Claire and Tim,
    I just wanted to say how much I LOVE this idea! I just think it’s awesome! Are you aware of the one by Jackie Lawson that you can download onto your computer (for a small fee) and have it on your desktop? Ya’ll should do that next year! This is just the very coolest thing–Though we have never met–I just LOVE you guys!!
    Thank you for this and for all you do!

  8. Wot a lovely change fom the normal advent calendars. Have you any thoughts of having them made up like you have your year calendar, I am sure there would be lots of us who would want one!!

  9. I loved the crossword puzzle on the 20th. Made me feel like I know more than the sounds of the alphabet (yes, I teach 6 year olds).

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