As many of you know, we have spent the past few days moving The Anne Boleyn Files website to a brand new faster server with more memory. We decided to move because the website had begun to have loading problems – so slow at times! – and this seemed to be because of server issues. Anyway, it’s been a very chaotic few days and there have been various knock on effects from the move:-

  • Emails – If you have sent me an email via my usual address,, since Thursday then I probably have not received it. I’m really not ignoring you, I just haven’t got your email. It will take time for this to be sorted out so the best way to reach me at the moment is to use the contact form on the Contact Page. Sorry! Please do resend me your emails/comments that way and then I can answer you. Thanks so much.
  • The shop – The shop is working but various products are showing at $0 until you pick an option from the drop down menu, e.g. stone colour, finish, earring hook etc. Simply pick an option and add to cart.

The forum has also changed as we had to upgrade. It’s been a nightmare few days but already we have a much faster website – phew! Do let me know via the contact page if you spot any other issues.

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