The Truth about Anne Boleyn

Thanks to a new website, it’s now possible to learn the truth about the life and times of Anne Boleyn. A look at this website shows that Anne Boleyn was nothing like the myths that we have all grown up with. You’ll learn all about the REAL Anne Boleyn – her upbringing, marriage to Henry VIII and her final fall and execution. has been launched with the aim of debunking the Anne Boleyn myths and replacing them with the truth about this inspiring woman.

In an online interview, The Anne Boleyn Files creator, Claire Ridgway, said that “I am frustrated that so many people today are still believing the lies that Anne Boleyn’s enemies created in the sixteenth century. Anne Boleyn was not a witch with six fingers and did not commit treason, incest or adultery. It’s time that people learned the truth about the most influential Queen of England. I’ve even created Anne Boleyn Day on May 19th to commemorate Anne Boleyn’s execution.”

Some of the topics you’ll read about on The Anne Boleyn Files website include: the execution of Anne Boleyn, Anne Boleyn facts, why Anne Boleyn was innocent and the character of Henry VIII. There is even a downloadable report about the Fall of Anne Boleyn and an online shop with Tudor products and jewelry, including the famous Anne Boleyn B necklace – everything for fans of Anne. In this factual and revealing website, both Tudor history lovers and fans of the hit TV series “The Tudors” can learn the real truth about Anne Boleyn and this fascinating period of history.

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