New Look Anne Boleyn Files Store and Halloween Competition

I just wanted to let you know about our new look store which makes it easier to find what you’re looking for. Simply click on either “Products” or “Store” on the top menu and you will be taken to our Store Homepage where you will find the different categories you can browse, e.g. The Tudors Jewelry, Tudor Costume, Contemporary Jewelry, Gifts and Craft etc. You can then click on a category to browse – for example, under “The Tudors Jewelry” you will find sections for each of the six wives plus Princess Mary. I hope you like it and find it easier to use.

As part of this upgrade, we actually had to upgrade the whole website so please email me at if you notice any “bugs” or problems. Thank you!


Don’t forget to send in your Halloween photos next week. You can find out about the prizes and rules at Halloween Competition 2010 but you just have to be wearing at least one item that you purchased from The Anne Boleyn Files as part of your costume. I’m also happy for you to send in Renaissance faire costume photos too, if you aren’t doing anything for Halloween. Email your photos to me at by Saturday 6th November.

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