My Anne Boleyn Roses

Apr24,2013 #Anne Boleyn rose

Anne Boleyn roseThe end of April to mid May is always a sad time for those following Anne Boleyn’s story. We are following the events of her fall from power, counting down to her execution and thinking of the six innocent lives that were taken on 17th and 19th May 1536. However, I am always cheered by my Anne Boleyn roses which bloom at this time of year.

Here is a picture taken this morning of one of the roses just beginning to open. I have four of these rose bushes and each has lots of buds on so my roof terrace is going to look beautiful soon.

When the roses are in full bloom I’ll share more photos.

P.S. These roses are available from David Austin Roses who have websites for different countries. They’re not suitable for all climates, I’m afraid. I’d quite like the Elizabeth I one too.

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