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1502 Death of Arthur, Prince of Wales

1559 Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis signed by Elizabeth I and Henry II of France

1587 Sir Francis Drake set sail to attack the Spanish ships


1559 Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis signed by Henry II of France and Philip II of Spain

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1590 Death of Sir Francis Walsingham, spymaster to Elizabeth I
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1554 Execution of Sir Thomas Wyatt

1533 The Royal Court told that Anne Boleyn was Queen

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1533 Anne Boleyn publicly declared Queen
1578 death of 4th Earl of Bothwell (James Hepburn), abductor and husband of Mary Queen of Scots
15 16
1570 Birth of Guy Fawkes
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1587 Death of John Foxe, English Martyrologist and author of “Foxe’s Book of Martyrs”
1587 Sir Francis Drake attacked Cadiz in Spain
1534 Execution of Elizabeth Barton, “The Holy Maid of Kent”
1509 Death of Henry VII, accession of Henry VIII
1564 Birth of William Shakespeare, “The Bard”
1536 – Commission of Oyer and Terminer set up to investigate treason

1558 Marriage of Mary Queen of Scots and Francis, the Dauphin of France

1599 Birth of Oliver Cromwell
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1603 Funeral of Elizabeth I – burial at Westminster Abbey
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1536 Arrest of Mark Smeaton for adultery with Anne Boleyn