Another rather “bloody” event this week! On this day in history, 10th February 1567, Henry Stuart (Lord Darnley), the husband of Mary Queen of Scots and the father of James VI of Scotland (James I of England) was murdered at Kirk o’ Field in Edinburgh.
Read the full story in “The Murder of Lord Darnley” over at The Elizabeth Files now!
Other “bloody” events coming up this week include the executions of Lady Jane Grey, Guildford Dudley, Catherine Howard and Jane Boleyn (Lady Rochford) – what a week!
Remember to send me your Anne Boleyn Files Anniversary Competition article by Sunday night (14th) – click here for details.
Did Elizabeth I set up this marriage of Lord Darnley and Mary Queen of Scots? I think she did because she knew Lord Darnley was an “odd” gentleman and this would affect Mary.
From what I gather, Lord Darnley was a bit immature and self distructive. Did he have affairs (including David Rizzio, Mary’s private secretary)??? I am sure that after a while Mary Queen of Scots was not too fond of him any longer.
Elizabeth opposed the marriage of Mary and Darnley.