Tim and I have had the pleasure of hosting our dear friend, historical novelist Wendy J Dunn, at our home in Spain as part of her research trip to Spain and the UK. It was lovely having her here, and my daughter, Verity, and I enjoyed our day with Wendy at the Alhambra in Granada – blue skies, sunshine, the stunning Nasrid Palaces and Generalife Gardens…. perfect!
I thought I’d take advantage of having Wendy here to interview her, i.e. grill her! She’s a fascinating lady. I thought you’d be as interested as I was in her answers to my questions so Tim videoed Wendy and I chatting about her work, her books etc. I do hope you enjoy it.
Wendy’s novels are excellent reads and one lucky Anne Boleyn Files follower will win a signed copy of Wendy’s Falling Pomegranate Seeds: The Duty of Daughters. All you have to do to be in with a chance of winning Wendy’s book is to leave a comment below this post saying which historical character you’d like to write a novel about and why. You must leave your comment between now and the end of Tuesday 11th June. A comment will be picked at random and the winner contacted for their postal address (please make sure your email address is correct!). The competition is open internationally.
Good luck!
The Tudors and Anne Boleyn in particular, have been a passion of mine for years.
Since following your page and more recently your YouTube channel this passion has only intensified.
I’d be more inclined to write a story about Elizabeth I, Anne’s daughter. To find out how her parents and their history have shaped and influenced her way of thinking, ruling etc. If that was the case.
In a more general way, I’d like to find out more about Anne’s legacy and how that still pertains to this day and age if at all.
I’m curious about Henry Fitzroy, Henry 8th illegitimate son, and his mother…I’d write a novel around them and the court…
I’d write about Henry VIII’s brother, Arthur, particularly his early years. I’d like to know what it was like to grow up with Henry VIII and how much his personality changed over the years.
I’m actually trying to write about Anne’s mother. I find her fascinating and I feel terrible for her.
I would be very interested in reading that when you’re comfortable sharing it with others. I love the fact that she chose to defy her family and marry for love, and that she was able to refine her husband enough to raise children that were so influential at court. She was a strong lady and I am interested in learning more about her.
I’d really like to write a book about Mary Seton~ one of the 4 Mary’s that attended Mary Queen of Scots. ” The 4 Marie’s (Beaton, Seton, Fleming, and Livingston) attended Queen from before she came from France to the UK. I’d love to know did they get along with eachother? Did they jostle for the number one Lady in waiting position or were they are dedicated friends to EACHOTHER as they were to the Queen? I’d also love to know how they coped with Mary being murdered the way she was. I know there wasn’t any such thing as Post Traumatic Stress then, but they had the same feelings that we do today. Feelings of grief. The loss of friendship, jealousy, love. Did Mary Queen of Scots prefer one of the Maries over the others?
Of the Tudor era I’d have to pick Anne of Cleves, since my namesake Elizabeth Tudor has been done so well and so often, and Anne was a witness so some of the most interesting eras, and had the perspective of an ‘outsider’ raised outside of all of the bad craziness of the Tudors.
I would love to write a book about Jane Seymour, as I find her such a fascinating character. Although she is the only one of Henry VIII’s wives to give him his longed for son & heir, she is also one of his wives you here & know less about compared to Anne Boleyn or Catherine of Aragon. I would love to do a ‘what if’ story, what if she had survived, would Henry have remained married to her?!
I would love to be able to write a book about Lady Jane Grey. She was so young when she was executed. A short life but very interesting I’m sure!
There’s a movie called “Lady Jane Grey” with Helena Bonham Carter and Patrick Stewart. It gives you a really good feel about the essence of this tragic figure. I do agree that she is fascinating.
Love the interviews! Fabulous how you feel the characters take over you. I have only written non-fiction. Have wanted to write historical fiction, what advice would you give to start?
I have always been fascinated by Mary, Queen of Scots. I guess it’s because of my name. People comment on my name all the time. I loved the interview.
Well, an honest (not to mention obvious) answer would be Anne Boleyn or her daughter Elizabeth. But so much has been written about them and by writers more skilled & knowledgeable. So after some consideration, I decided on Jane Seymour. I don’t really find her that fascinating. If anything she comes off a bit plain & dull. But she would have a very unique perspective & if the fictional novel had her writing from the after life I could address what it feels like to be histories afterthought to Anne Boleyn & how she really felt about Henry…just some thoughts.
I love this topic. I would love to write a novel on Henry V111. There are many I know but I think the research would be amazing!
Wow to pick one for me is difficult. I am fascinated by all the tudors and I’ve read about all but keep finding more on each of them.however I will go with Elizabeth 1. Very strong minded. She figured that she didn’t need a man to rule with her and she wouldn’t have one even tho she was constantly being harped on to marry. She was a very vain woman and she had a potty mouth like her father.i love this women for a lot of reasons and quite frankly there isn’t enough room to list them all.
Excellent interview! I will check out her work regardless of whether or not I get the copy.
I would write about Harriet Tubman.
I actually would like to write a novel on Richard 3rd.
I have read so many different versions of who he was portrayed to be,evil, calculating,then other opinions make him out to be a kind and generous Lord to the people. Did he cause the two princes to be slain,or was Buckingham really behind their disappearing,of Henry the seventh’s mother Margaret!!!
It would be a dream to be able to clear any untrue slander,or prove it to be true.
Thank you for this opportunity
Tudor history is my #1 favorite subjects. Please put me in the contest to win the book!
I believe that writings regarding Elizabeth I, are prevalent today. I think it would be enlightening to learn about Queen Mary I of England. The traumas inflicted upon her, were tremendous. It would be interesting research, and an excellent historical perspective.
My favorite subject to write about would be Anne Bolyen. But of course there’s no possible way to do a better job than Claire has done. My next choice would be on the short life of Henry and Janes son, Edward V. I have never seen much written on the child. Other than his father was a king, his mother was a queen, and that he was next in line to the throne, we know so little of him. His thoughts on his father….before and after his death. Did he really want to be a king? With some research it would make for an interesting read. And possibly fill in a few blanks.
I would like to write about Mary Boylen. Her life is still such a mystery.
I am torn between the desire to write about my favorite Tudor characters Anne Boleyn and Elizabeth I or focusing on the women who survived being married to Henry, Anna of Cleves and Catherine Parr. Both ladies endured much during their lifetimes. However, I feel more like heading to Catherine Parr as she was twice married before she became Henry’s bride. She managed to further the her religious views to a degree, while still keeping her head. She nursed Henry through his final and most difficult years. She helped reconcile Henry with Mary and Elizabeth. Then she was finally able to marry the man of her choosing and to give birth to her daughter, only to die soon after.
I loved the interview! I would write about James VI and his obsession with witchcraft and witches.
I think Anne of Cleves has never told the true story of Henry VIII. She was a brave woman to come to a country that spoke a different language, had different customs, and was home to a king who beheaded his wife. I doubt she had many charitable thoughts for her brother during the journey. I would like to know what she thought of Henry. Was she impressed by his wealth, overwhelmed by his court, and repulsed by his lack of marital skills. I think Anne took control of her destiny when she signed the annulment papers. She saw a way to free herself, have her own home and wealth. And, she was invited back to court as King Henry’s sister.. Anne was a force. She outlived everyone, lived life on her own terms
and maintained her dignity. I wish the dear woman could have had a few secret lovers!,,
If I were to write a story about any of the Tudors, I think I would choose Anne of Cleves. She was the only other foreign queen besides CofA, so her background and perspective would be different from the English queens, and very interesting, I think.
If I were to write an historical novel of the Tudor era, I would choose Catharine Parr. I find her life quite interesting, with a father who never really acknowledged her publically, The niece of a Queen and the daughter of one of Henry’s lovers.
I would love to write a novel on Katherine Willoughby d’Eresby Brandon Bertie, the devoutly Protestant daughter of the devoutly Roman Catholic Maria de Salinas. How does a daughter of Katherine of Aragon’s favourite lady-in-waiting distance herself from her parents and embrace the Reformed religion? How does a 14-year-old adapt to marriage with the much-married Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk and widower of Princess Mary (Henry VIII’s sister)? How does a widow of Brandon marry a humble man, Richard Bertie? Katherine owned a dog whom she named “Gardiner,” as she loathed Stephan Gardiner, a slippery Roman Catholic bishop and Lord Chancellor. So we can surmise that Katherine had a gift for sharp satire in addition to her firm religious convictions. The world needs a book or two on this fascinating lady….
I would write about Lady Arbella Stuart – Elizabeth’s original chosen successor. She led a very tragic life, and her royal heritage was more a curse than a blessing,
Than you for the interview, very insightful. I’m a new viewer so I haven’t caught on to all the names . But I think it would be interesting View of one of Catherine lady in waiting, one who had been with her leaving Spain, arriving in England, and with her when she passed. The happiness, betrayal of Henery, marriage to Anne. To see little by little her life whittled away.
I would love to write a book about Margaret Beaufort. She was such a driven and determined woman and it would be interesting to know what she would have thought about the way Henry the 8th turned out. She was a devout woman, and her grandson destroyed the church she was so fond of. Her life would make a wonderful story. I have great admiration for someone who delivered a child at such a young age and went through husbands as she did. She is often maligned in films such as the way her character was depicted in both the White Queen and the White Princess. I would like the opportunity to set the record straight.
I am loving the interview with Wendy (J!) Dunn. Claire and Wendy are such genuine people.
Who would I want to write about ? John of Gaunt and Katherine Swynford. Although not “Tudors”, Randy ol John started everything with his brood of illegitimate and legitimate children who took over the English monarchy. His equally wild-oat soughing descendents are worth researching as well.
I would like to write a novel about my 6th or 7th great grandmother Mary Town Estey.. she was the last woman hung in the Salem witch trials in 1692 in the U.S. about her life in England before e came to America. She was a descendant of Mary Boleyn I believe.
That’s absolutely fascinating ~ if you haven’t already seen it, Mary Town Estey is in Geni.com
https://www.geni.com/search Gives you lots of information if you ever did want to research your ancestors and family tree. Good Luck with it all Merrilee
I’d like to write a novel about Katherin Parr, “the most lucky” of Henry’s six wives.
Mariella, from Italy
I loved the interview claire. I think IThe person I would love to write about would be Elizabeth of York because there is not enough about her and she is very understated. She was the main reason I got into the tudors more and loved the white queen series. I didn’t know anything about her until I started looking more into her life. The thing that fascinated me with her is she was the reason that the tudor dynasty started along with Henry v11. But unless you study more about this part you wouldn’t really know.
I’d love to write about Mary Boleyn, so little is written about her and there are so many gaps in her life. I’d love to bring her back to life
Mary Stewart and her life amidst the dark and windy wynds of Edinburgh, so atmheric and menacing, surrounded by the dangerous Scots Lords.
I find Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine to be fascinating and if I were to write a historical novel I would enjoy writing for her. She lived a life with enough adventures to write two or three novels. Exploring her role as a mother would be interesting.
I would write about Elizabeth of York she had such a turbulent life, the darling of her parents then with her father’s untimely death, forced into sanctuary with her mother and siblings declared a bastard, and then freedom after Bosworth and she married her saviour Henry V11, she was beautiful regal and gracious she embodied the complete image of the true queen consort, I believe that Henry V111 revered her memory all his life and sought her in every wife he had.
Love the interview Claire! I would love to write about the princes in the tower, Edward, the Prince of Wales and his younger brother Richard, Duke of York. I would write about the time period they lived in, all of those who interacted and impacted their young lives and the mystery surrounding their disappearance.
The artist Holbein. He met many members of
King Henry VIII. I believe he has a story to tell.
That’s to say King Henry’s COURT!
I really love the Anne boleyn files, I think, it’s because we here a lot about historical women. One of the women who had always fascinated me and, for me, encapsulates the British woman (along with elizabeth the 1st) is bodecea (maybe not be spelt correctly). I would really love to write about her and life her thoughts and feelings. She’s such a strong woman and her influence had lasted over 2000 years. With elizabeth 1st, Victoria and Elizabeth 2nd along the way. So, she is an amazing person well worth a really good, so researched true to fact novel. I would love to win the book because Katherine also fascinates me and her plight of a barren older woman hasn’t changed much even nowadays. Thank you for your dedication and hard work which brings me a little joy each day.
I would really like to write about John of gaunt as there are not many books about him, he comes across in two ways from what I’ve read, one a hard character, two a caring man to his Kathryn swine ford, I’d like to prise into more of his life
I recently read Alison Weir’s biography of Margaret Tudor. I would write a novel about her life – she certainly had an interesting one.
Very interesting interview. I’ll have to listen again later when I’m not working. If I had to choose a figure to write a novel on, or a novella, I think I would pick Jane Boleyn or Katherine Howard, if only to do them justice and overturn all the awful accusations against them. My other one – which is very left-field (though he features quite heavily in a script I’m writing) would be Edward Courtenay because he fascinates me. Whether it’s be a novel or an academic study, I don’t know yet.
In college I was determined to write a novel about Jane Seymour. I wanted to write about someone who I had never read a novel about before. As I delved into research I became fascinated with her. Was she pushed into marriage by her ambitious family? Was she actually leading the way? What was her relationship with Henry like? What about the famous moment when she asked him to save an abbey and he told her to remember what happened to the last wife? There are so many questions to explore in a historical fiction novel. Maybe I will come back to it someday…
I seem to be one of the few (based on a quick read) who isn’t choosing a woman. My selection for a historical novel would be Henry Percy. I have a soft spot for crossed lovers — in the sense of people who loved, not implying a sexual relationship, which wasn’t clear. I’ve wondered why he didn’t stand up to Wolsey and his father, who opposed the marriage to Anne Boleyn, eloping, for example? There are so many other questions: why did he agree to swear there had been no precontract with Anne and later deny it again when Anne was in the Tower? And most of all, why did he declare Anne guilty during her trial? And why did he remain a loyal subject of the King, who took the only woman he seemed to love?
One historic figure that I would love to write about is Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury. Between her family and the times she lived through (not to mention her death!) she has long interested me.
It would have to be Elizabeth Boleyn, Countess of Wiltshire, mother of Anne Boleyn as I couldn’t image what she went through. No mother should outlive her daughter. I wish I could have seen English court through her eyes, to have known what she really thought; if she was as complicit as her husband in pushing her daughters onto Henry VIII. She died 2 years after Anne’s execution and I wonder if the stress of it all played a part in her death.
I would love to be able to write an historical fiction book, based on actual facts, about Margaret Pole.
Thanks for the great interview.
I would write a novel about Perkin Warback. It would be a good excuse to research him in detail and decide for myself whether he really could have been the Duke of York.
Kugbau (c. 2500 BCE), Queen of Kish and possibly the only regnant queen of ancient Sumer. She seems to have been a semi-mythical figure; fantasy attributions to her include a reign of 100 years, and that she was a tavern owner before becoming monarch. But she may have been a real person – her grandson, who eventually inherited the throne, seems to be independently attested. She was worshipped as a goddess across the ancient near east in the centuries and millennia after her lifetime. I cannot help but wonder if the story of her humble origins has a seed of truth in it, and if so, how she managed to get from there to a throne – as the only female ruler of her times, no less. Intriguing.
I never win anything.
Okay, kidding.
Love the title of the new book. Since I am the primary caregiver for my 92 year old dad, I am afraid it hits far too close to home.
I’m not going to talk about my book right now (of course I am writing one, however sporadically)
Best regards
I would write a novel about Richard Woodville, 1st Earl Rivers. I think his perspective on the War of the Roses and his daughter’s rise is untapped. He could give a very different view on the events than previous books do.
I am so fascinated by Tudor times!
I’d like to write a novel about Henry Carey, 1st Baron Hunsdon. As the 1st cousin (and possible 3/4 sibling) of Elizabeth I, the relationships, interactions and historical possibilities could be amazing.
I’m fascinated by the Tudors, Yorkists, and Lancastrians. Four Margarets stand out to me as having lived lives of great turmoil, pain, loss, and marked determination. Margaret Pole, Margaret Beaufort, Margaret of Anjou, and Margaret Tudor. These four women showed so much courage and tenacity under some of the worst circumstances imaginable. Yes, some choices may have been questionable at best (Hello, Earl of Angus and Lord Methven), but I think young women today could benefit from the lessons learned by the chaotic lives these four women lived.
I know there are so many of them, all with different points of view, but I would write a novel about Anne Boleyn. She is by far, my favorite historical figure. I love reading all books about her and reading all the different thoughts about Anne. I would love to write about her time in the French court and with Margaret of Austria and more about her early life before Henry VIII.
I would love to write about Anne Boleyn, she fascinates me.
I would write a novel about Anne Boleyn because she is my fave Queen of all of history, I can relate to her & her story alot (for better or worse lol). I would make the book specifically about her relationship with King Henry The 8th for example i’d address topics of why was he so interested in her, what she thought about his determination to win her heart (so to speak) the dynamics of the relationship (the concept of the other women & an intense passion that ends quickly) and maybe i’d explore the concept of her being beheaded has karma & why it is & isn’t karma, maybe i’d even add some advice in the mix for when your in a fast burning relationship, i’d also add some bits & pieces of queen catherine in the book to explore how Anne & Henry worked to overthrow her. And that’s the historical character I’d write about (anne boleyn) & why (cuz she’s my fave queen and I can relate to her for better or worse) along with some unasked for concepts & ideas that i’d write about lol. Ty for the chance to win a signed copy of wendys new book, good luck to everyone looking to win.
Love Thayvaose.
Great interview, Claire!
I write historical novels already, including one about Henry and his wives, but for a future novel I would be interested in exploring and writing about Richard III’s illegitimate son John Plantagenet. He lived to a ripe old age. Alas, there’s virtually nothing about him on the historical record so I don’t think a historical novel would be possible unless I made it all up!
Hi Claire.
Well Ive written many things in my time. I started with role playing writing, moved to my versions of various tv shows, to my version of historic events. Right now am I writing an exam paper for my studies as social worker advisor education. For some days I wore my Queen Anne Boleyn portrait necklace and red leaf ring, as it reminds me of Anne.
As for writing on Tudor´s I would write a combination of Queen Catherine of Aragon and Queen Anne Boleyn. Both were at the mercy of Henry VIII, Wolsey and Cromwell. Then I would LOVE to write a ghost novel where Queen Anne Boleyn haunts those who brought her to her too early demise.
WHOEVER wins, I congratulate warmly. regards Bente Southern Dane
I am practically, stumped by this question. Queen Matilda is someone who intrigues me and is not well known. Queen Berengaria, is another lady i have always been fascinated by, ever since my days at pontins holiday Camp in Morecambe and their big theatre bar being called The Berengaria. Also, Thomas Moores daughter Margaret I feel has also been neglected, it must have taken some bottle to climb up and reclaim her fathers head.
As for male historical characters there are so many, but it would be interesting to write something from the viewpoint of one of the palace servants who may have started quite young in the reign of Henry VIII and retired just before Queen Elizabeth died.
I think that an interesting book could be developed from what we know about Lady Bridget Wingfield. She may or may not have played an important part in Anne Boleyn’s ultimate fate and we probably will never know many more details.
i really enjoyed your interview with Wendy. It’s interesting to hear how a book evolves over time even to the point where it may have to be re-written! Such perseverence!
I would like to research and write about Doctor John Dee as he seems a multi – faceted person who was an influential character on many high status people in the time of Elizabeth I.
I would love to write a book about Henry, and how he went from dashing bluff Hal to that paranoid, obese, sick and cruel man. It needs to be done by the point of vue of someone who’s always been here, so maybe Suffolk?
Love the interview, it’s great!!!
Thank you for a great an interesting interview. I have alwas been facinated by the Tudors andtheera. So many strong woman, in a periode of History, where women were suppose to serve, bare sons, be dominated by male family member, reduced to be used for getting power and influence. From Margaret Beaufort – to my absolut most interesting and facinating Anne Boleyn, in so many ways born in The wrong century. A Lady, Who sinxe I was a little touched my heart, her story, but also her life – a courageous Lady, Who changed so much, very educated. A true helo and supporting person for Henry 8., Who could disquss important matter with her. Who had he to trust? People lied and sold their souls for getting Influence and power. It must hace been a gift to have someone to test ideas, we All know, that disqussing matter will get new ideas and input. So sad to gp from being The Most Happy to become The Most Sad, and loosing everything, but as a strong person, never loosing yourself. Anne has so much to tell us All, she srill touches our hearts and minds from her haven. Thabkfully she became much more than a footnote, that Henry wanted to reduce her to. I am also very facinated by Margaret More, Daughter of Sir Thomas More great and intereresting characters. Margaret More one of the most educated women of the 16.th century-Authors, working with Erasmus, writing interesting books, from translation to a book about the story of theevil greak God Ebecius. Her facinating life so interesting
I would love to research and write a novel on Lady Margaret Butler – the paternal grandmother of Sir Thomas Boleyn. Without the help of her and her husband Sir William Boleyn just think of how history would have been altered!
I’d absolutely to write a book about Lady Jane Grey, the Nine Days Queen (though it was more than nine days ). She was a member of the Tudor Dynasty, but there is surprisingly little written about her and the web that she was caught in was a microcosm of the great political, religious and social arguments of her age. I’m also a massive history nerd (my Minor at University) and love nothing more than researching and hunting history’s wonders/mysteries.
I would write a novel about Bess of Hardwick as I feel she was quite an extraordinary woman for her time and probably would have been just as successful today.
I would love to write a novel on Katherine Howard. She was just a child – a wild child, but a child nonetheless. What a horrible position she was in! To put a human face on her life would be wonderful.
I would adore researching and travelling in order to help me capture a sense of Mary Tudor, queen of France.
I would love to write about Elizabeth of York’s sister. I think that they are eclipsed by Elizabeth. I would not do a general history on them I would love to go in detail with every aspect of their lives that I could find. I would even go in detail about the clothing they wore and the homes they lived in.
I’d love to write a book about Elizabeth of York and her sisters. They all had such a interesting lives, but Elizabeth in particular. Id start it from when they were young and their lives seemed perfect. And I’d follow it until Elizabeth’s passing. And portray all the events through the different sisters perspectives. They lost so much in their lives. They went from treasured princess, to outcasts. Each one ended up so far from where they started life.
Robert Dudley.I just find him fascinating and how for most of his life he managed to stay Elizabeth I favorite even though there were some intense issues.She always seemed to forgive him.I can’t think of a more romantic figure in english history.
Thank you very much for posting the very interesting interview. Although my historical research interest and speciality on the subject is somewhat different, I have been personally interested in Tudor period as well as Tudor Dynasty. If I were to write a historical fiction, I would like to bring Edward VI on to the centre stage. Although he was short lived, I am very much interested in illustrating how he developed his own personality as a young man while struggling to establish his own identity as an independent monarch free from a regency by his uncle.
I would like to write a novel about Jane Boleyn, the wife of George. I wonder how difficult it must have been for her to work for someone who killed her husband and sister-in-law. How did she feel about the claims of incest? And what were her motives for helping Katherine Howard and Thomas Culpepper and in the end losing her own life? It would make for fascinating research.
I’m actually trying to write about Anne’s mother. I find her fascinating and I feel terrible for her.
I would write about Lady Jane Grey alias Queen Jane, however I would also want to do lots of research into Mary I…in contrast perhaps, but mainly to fathom her out…mental health? Off the bat I have some ideas, but would need to imerse myself in the evidence and keep it in context to her time, what she witnessed, how her mother must have influenced her staunch belief system, mixed with power…never healthy. Great interview. Love the videos, learning so much. Thank you, Susan (Scots lass in Sweden)
I would love to write about Lady Nicholas de la Haye who was on occasions Castellen and for a period Sheriff for Lincoln castle. I learned of her on a visit to Lincoln Castle when I first saw one of the few remaining copies of Magna Carta. I would like to write about her as it was so unusual to have a woman in this period to hold a position of power. Although I believe that Catherine of Aragon was given authority to “rule” in England when Henry was fighting in foreign wars.
There are a lot of characters I’d like to read more about. I like Catherine of Aragon’s strong will, Thomas More’s scrupulousness and deep thought, I’m looking forward to learn more about Anne of Cleves and Catherine Parr’s fate, but to write myself… If I were intended to start a novet set in the Tudor times, I’d take some commoner serving some well-known person like cardinal Thomas Wolsy or sir Thomas More. It should be a person of learning (one of More’s children?) and of faith. The novel would be set around the character’s choice: who is my real master? what is my faith? whethter I can stay myself in this time?
Great pleasure to hear two authors speak about historical fiction. I would like to read a book about the special bond between Anne Boleyn and her daughter Elizabeth. This mother daughter relationship had deep psycological consequences that reach far into the lives of both, .than people usually imagine. So dive more and more into the sublime world of both!
Wonderful interview. Will purchase Wendy J Dunn’s books. I would love to visit all the Tudor historical sites.
Anne of Cleves strikes me as very exotic and interesting. Many of her contemporaries in Britain considered her slow or unintelligent because of her difficulties of communication. She was clearly very smart and very strong to survive both her brother and King Henry VIII and I would love to read and/or recreate her diaries and learn how her innermost thoughts translated into her actions. The psychology of historical figures intrigues me, and I’ve found so little addressing the psychology of Anne of Cleves that I would be honored to be the one to analyze it.
I would write about Dr. John Dee–he was a physician and astrologer at the time of Elizabeth I, and it would be a sci-fi/historical mashup. Dr. Dee would be picked up by a time machine and taken to the 21st century where he would meet with the world’s leading physician specialists in neurology, endocrinology, and psychiatry and then all of these specialists and Dr. Dee would board the time machine together and go back to various historical eras carrying along a PET scanner and other technology from the 21st century. The time machine would land in a building present in the era they were visiting–such as Westminster Hall or Rouen Cathedral, but would be invisible to the people of the historical era, and the time machine would “borrow” invisibly certain subjects, scan their brains, and then wipe out all memory of the experience in the subject. One of the principal subjects would be Henry VIII, who would be scanned every few years from childhood until the time of his death and they would evaluate his brain and other intracranial structures. Per The Lancet Henry VIII was involved in at least 3 jousting accidents, and one of these, maybe the really serious 1536 one, could have traumatized his pituitary gland and caused multiple endocrinopathies– growth hormone deficiency and hypogonadism, maybe also hypothyroidism, possibly Cushing’s disease (overproduction of cortisol, which can precipitate secondary diabetes mellitus), which could explain a lot of his behavior and health issues in later life. A substantial number of people experiencing traumatic brain injuries are left with endocrinopathies as sequelae. Lead poisoning could have been added to the mix because some of the topical medications he received for leg ulcers contained lead.
Another subject would be his daughter Mary I who experienced pseudopregnancy, and this can be secondary to prolactin-secreting pituitary tumors. Joan of Arc would also be placed in the scanner; at least 2 separate channeled readings by 2 different psychic mediums say that her first visions followed a significant head injury she sustained falling in her family’s garden. Others who should be scanned are anybody from medieval or Renaissance history that got nasty sobriquets such as “Charles the Mad” of France, “Juana la Loca” of Spain, “Pedro the Cruel” of Spain; I am sure there are many others.
History is and has always been the great love of my life, I would be absolutely lost without it.
When I started digging into British history at the age of nine, I became so fascinated with it that I simply couldn’t stop! In particular, I have Always been drawn by powerful historical women – I started with Elizabeth I aged ten and continued up to Queen Victoria, the major driving force in my life. British history makes me feel alive and complete.
Were I to write a historical novel, I would be very torn, because I have many female role models, too many! Apart from Victoria, I would love to delve into the world of Empress Matilda, Lady of England and Normandy, to pay tribute to the Norman origins of my family. She was a powerful, resolute, forceful Queen, who had to fight for what was rightfully hers. She is so beguiling and a force to be reckoned with! The other historical woman I would write about is Katharina von Bora, wife of reformer Martin Luther. I had the opportunity of learning more about her during a stay in Scotland. It was almost as if I had known her all along, a woman of noble birth destined to the cloister who managed to find the strength to escape the fate her family had chosen in her stead. Such an inspirational character, somebody I can relate to.
Thank you so much for this lovely interview, it’s amazing to share my rantic-mad passion for history with you!
Love, Lavinia Victoria
This is a wonderful interview! there are so many aspects to Tudor life we all still have to explore and learn . I would love to win a book and hope to join your subscriptions soon .so I can receive your magazines etc… Thank-you for this group which helps those of us across the pond keep in touch and see and learn things we have not seen about Tudors . i hope to be able to take one of your tours soon .
I would love to write a book about Katherine Howard, she was such a colourful character with such a short life and I wish more people knew about her and her story. I also loved the interview with Wendy J.Dunn, very interesting!
History is and has always been the great love of my life. I became absolutely obsessed with it when I received a book about the Kings and Queens of England aged nine. I started out with Queen Elizabeth I and continued up to Queen Victoria, the major driving force in my life. I just couldn’t live without history, it makes me feel alive and complete. I love spending hours and hours doing research on great and vibrant historical characters, especially lesser-known historical women. Were I to write a historical novel, it would be very hard for me to choose, as I have many role models, too many! I would like to delve into the world of Matilda, Lady of England and Normandy, to pay tribute to my Norman ancestors. She is so fascinating, a strong, fierce and powerful woman who literally fought to win power and had to battle to keep it. A true force to be reckoned with! Were I to choose another, I would write about Katharina von Bora, the wife of reformer Martin Luther. I had the possibility to learn more about her during a stay in Scotland. It was as if I had known her all along. She was so strong, feisty and cultured and is an inspirational role model to me, I feel akin to her and feel I can relate to her and her story.
Thank you so much for letting me join this wonderful group, it’s amazing to have the possibility of sharing my frantic-mad love for history with you!
Take care!
Lavinia Victoria
I would love to write about Ann of Cleves & Mary Queen of Scotts… There are so many about Queen Anne Boleyn and Queen Elizabeth I…
A story about King Henry’s last wife, Queen Catherine Parr will be great. She lead an interesting life by being married 4 times. And in the end was finally blessed with a child with Lord Seymour. She would have felt stressful about her step children and her roving eyes husband around her favourite step child Lady Elizabeth.
I’d write about about Margaret Plantagenet/Pole. She had such an interesting and tragic life. She’s one of my favorite historical figures.
I would love to write a book on the life of Anne Boleyn, her childhood and her upbringing, education, etc. It’s because she is a mystery to so many people and so controversial.
I would like to write as if she herself was writing it, if that’s possible.
I would like to write a novel about one of the historical figures from my own, Ukrainian, history. In particular, I find Anna Yaroslavna (or Anne of Kiev) a very interesting and intriguing figure. She was the daughter of one of our most famous rulers, Yaroslav the Wise, and later became queen consort of France, as the wife of Henry I of France. I would like to write about her because I think there’s not nearly enough historical fiction about women in Ukrainian literature. Besides, she’s a perfect subject to write about, because from what is known about her life, it seems that it was very interesting and quite dramatic, and what isn’t known allows for the room for imagination, interpretation and fiction.
Hello, I would like to write about Catherine of Aragon and her family, and how they managed travelling around
I think I would go with Anne of Cleves. On the surface it seems she got the best of Tudor life, but did she? It’s something I’d like to explore. If there’s a good book on her I’d like to know. Thank you for your wonderful site, it’s opened up a whole new world to me.
I truly enjoyed the interview with Wendy and her story of how she came to write about the Tudors. Visiting historical sites, seeing where people lived and walked, is so vital and can bring us closer to those people than merely by reading or researching. Seeing and touching history, for me, is the epitome! I had a chance to do that a few mo this ago when visiting Sudeley Castle and Katherine Parr’s tomb. It was rather emotional and very moving to be where she lived. I would like to write a book about Anne of Cleves, as the one who ‘got away’ with her head and lived well after the fact. I would like to dig into her mind and try to put words to how she truly felt.
I think I’d have to write about Margaret Pole (Princess) what a fascinating woman and what a life she lead
I have been fascinated by Tudor history for years and there are so many interesting people to chose from. But if I had to pick one to write about, it would be Anne of Cleves. I can only imagine the position she was put in when Henry wanted rid of her! Hurt and humiliated certainly, but very likely relieved as well. I would like to be able to know her better.
By the way…love the interview with Wendy Dunn!
so many characters in the Tudor and Plantagenet era beforehand have led fascinating and tragic lives lives.I would choose to write about Anne, daughter of the Earl of Warwick who married Richard III. She was used as a pawn in her father’s plots at such a young age and also witnessed her sister’s terrible birth pains while in the middle of the English Channel. Her own son died and how did she feel when her husband took over the throne and the princes in the tower disappeared. Plenty of imagination and deduction would have to be used!
What a hard question to answer. My favourite Tudor is Katherine Howard & Anne Boleyn. One so young and one so used. Very different stories with the same ending, but how very intriguing. One cultivated and one not, such wicked times they must have been. I would much liked to have been a fly on some of those walls.
Thank you
There are so many fantastisk historical characters that I would love to write a novel about- Joan of Arc, Elizabeth 1, however, I think I would love to dive into the myte and legend of Mary Magdalene- Jesus seems to upstage her a bit:)
I just always feel like I need to read more, learn more and the thirst for knowledge just increases. Thank you for this interview and everything you do!!
I would write about Katheryn Parr’s friend that took her daugter after she died. I would love to research and find out what happened to Kathern Parr’s daughter, and if she did indeed die as a toddler, or if she survived into adulthood.
I would love to write an alternative history in which King Edward vi grows up, makes an alliance with Denmark or Scotland or another reforming country and see how his own ideas for reform come to fruition. I love alternatives as well as real history and that would be one that is very unusual.
Hello from San Juan, Puerto Rico. I love to listen to your comments on Anne Boleyn and really enjoy them. Is my favorite history time. Ok, I read most of the comments and none of them made this suggestion, I will love to read about Prince Arthur. If there is about written about his life, I have not found it. He was the Prince of Wales and Henry’s older brother. Arthur was being groomed to be King. Henry was just the spare. I really enjoyed the interview with Ms Dunn. The book is gorgeous. One of the facts that I learned about Katherine (Catalina) was that she was married to Henry for 20 years! I will love to be part of the contest. Is the same postage if you were shipping it to any place in the States. Thanks, Elba Sosa