Happy Mother’s Day to those of you in countries celebrating it today. I hope that you get thoroughly pampered!

Here is a photo of one of my Anne Boleyn roses for you to enjoy. These roses always seem to flower as I’m counting down to Anne Boleyn’s execution!

See Anne Boleyn the Mother for a fitting article for today and don’t forget to check The Fall of Anne Boleyn timeline.

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9 thoughts on “Happy Mother’s Day!”
  1. Thank you Claire for your Mother’s Day wishes, and the lovely rose pic.Remembering my wonderful mother who I miss so much.

  2. The rose is such a lovely shade of pink, I can’t wait until my Anne Boleyn rose flowers for the first time…Is it Mothers Day where you are Claire?

    1. We had Mother’s Day the Sunday before, here in Spain, and I had a lovely day. I love my Anne Boleyn roses, they’re so pretty and they have a delicate fragrance too.

  3. Happy Mother’s Day to you, too Claire! Anne Boleyn was unfortunate to have her time as a mother cut short, and I pray that she has been able to look down from above and see the legacy she has left behind.

    Your roses look beautiful, as always- I wish I had more of a green thumb, so that I could re-create the Hever Gardens in my backyard. Looking forward to more of your articles on the execution. XX

    1. Thank you, Sheena, I hope you and your boys had a lovely day. I don’t have green fingers at all but these roses seem quite easy to care for – phew!

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