Fun Competition – Name the Kittens

Kitten tabbyI hope this little competition injects some fun into your week. We are picking up two kittens at the weekend and we thought it would be fun to ask Anne Boleyn Files visitors for Tudor style name suggestions for them.

Here are photos of two of the litter – there are two tabby style ones and two white ones with black markings, but we haven’t had chance to look which are male and which are female. We want females so we’re hoping that two of them are little girls. We need two Tudor names to suit female kittens – can you help?

Kitten whiteMy three children, Christian, Joel and Verity, are going to judge the competition and Verity has decided that she is head judge so you’ll have to deal with her if you don’t like the results.

Please post your ideas for names in the comments section below before midnight Friday (Eastern time) 12th September and we’ll announce the winners on Monday 15th September. Note: If lots of people say the same name and we choose that one, then we will pick the first person to have mentioned that name as the winner.

Two winners will each receive a hardback copy of Toni Mount’s excellent book Everyday Life in Medieval London.

Everyday life

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