Fully revised Jasper Tudor book now available

Jasper coverMadeGlobal Publishing has just published a fully revised edition of Debra Bayani’s excellent biography of Jasper Tudor, uncle of and adviser to Henry VII.

Jasper Tudor: Godfather of the Tudor Dynasty is now available as both a paperback and kindle edition. Revisions include editing, updates and larger, clearer images. The kindle edition has colour images for those with colour kindles, like the Kindle Fire. Debra and the MadeGlobal team have worked really hard on it and it’s a wonderful book.

Congratulations Debra!

Book details

New, fully revised and edited edition.

Jasper Tudor, born in secrecy in 1431, rose to become one of the key supporters of King Henry VI during the difficult period of English history known as the Wars of the Roses. Devoted to the Lancastrian cause and to his nephew Henry Tudor, Jasper’s loyalty led him through a life full of adventure.

When he was just six years old, Jasper’s life was changed dramatically by the death of his mother, the dowager queen Katherine de Valois, and the arrest of his father Owen Tudor soon afterwards. Jasper and his older brother Edmund were called to court and by 1452 they became the first Welshmen to be elevated to the English peerage. Sadly, Edmund died in captivity in 1456, leaving Jasper to protect his brother’s child, the future king Henry VII.

Jasper’s dedication to the Lancastrian cause took him through many of the well-known battles of the Wars of the Roses, including the historic victory at Bosworth. It is clear that Henry VII owed an enormous part of his success in claiming the throne in 1485 to his uncle, who was his closest adviser, confidante and mentor.

In this detailed biography, Debra Bayani clearly shows that Jasper Tudor was a key figure in the tumultuous history of England, detailing his life from his birth in 1431 to his death in 1495. He can rightly be called the “Godfather of the Tudor Dynasty”.

This edition includes a comprehensive appendix with contemporary Welsh poems translated into English for the first time, and many full page illustrations.

Paperback: 358 pages
Publisher: MadeGlobal Publishing (February 27, 2015)
Language: English
Kindle file size: 12461 KB
ISBN-10: 8494372106
ISBN-13: 978-8494372100

Amazon links:

It is also available on the other Amazon international sites and will be rolling out to other online book retailers and bookshops in due course.
The kindle version is available through Kindle Unlimited and to borrow for Amazon Prime members.

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7 thoughts on “Fully revised Jasper Tudor book now available”
  1. I have a fascination about the Tudors. This fascination cames from a yuong age. I read all I can about the Tudors. I already have reed the Biography of Henry VIII, but also the Biographys of Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard but also Queen Mary I. I would also like to read the book above ”Jasper Tudor. I also like the Plantegenets, the first kings of England. Very rich History.

  2. Congratulations, Debra! I’ve been so looking forward to reading this book and downloaded it immediately upon seeing this notice.

    Like a kid, I immediately went through the illustrations, which are gorgeous and beautifully photographed. It is such a treat to see all the places we read about but most of us will never get to visit. You did some really amazing work with these, and I’m sure the text will live up to the promise of the photos.

    One quick fix needed: The List of Illustrations skips over illustration number 51. Number 50 should be listed as the Victorian stained glass portraits of Jasper and his wife Katherine Woodville, which immediately proceed similar portraits of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. In the List, Henry and Elizabeth are named #50 and should be #51. The link for #50 does take you to the portraits of Jasper and Katherine. Everything else was perfect and linked correctly.

    Btw, many thanks also for the perfectly accurate genealogies. Just about every history book or bio I pick up seems to contain at least one glaring error on their genealogies, but yours had no errors at all. The inclusion of the coats of arms really made the image pop. The careful time taken to get these details correct is evident and appreciated. Well done.

    Thank you Debra, and thank you MadeGlobal, for this long awaited biography of the man who made Tudor history possible. It’s wonderful to see Jasper finally getting his due!

    1. Hi Lisa,
      I’m so pleased to hear about this – thank you for letting us know!
      Warm regards,

  3. The new Kindle version allows you to see properly the much smaller but beautiful colour illustrations from the original colour version of the paperback; with all of their delightful and wonderful detail. Being much larger, the new version pictures have wonderful detail and are stunning. Having all of the translated poems, plus many more also makes it easier to access them all in one place. The biograthy is well researched and a masterpiece. Although there has been another book since, and one to come shortly, this first biograthy has been one that was much needed on one of the most important leaders of the Tudor cause in the Middle Ages, one of the most important figures in Welsh history, and the man to whom Henry Tudor probably owed his life as well as his survival and training: Jasper Tudor. Congratulations on a superb book and a wonderful achievment.

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