Happy 6th Birthday to the Anne Boleyn Files, and Giveaway

6th_anniversary_cakeDoesn’t time fly when you’re having fun? Yes, it most certainly does!

I can’t quite believe that it’s been six years since I wrote my very first post on this website on 17 February 2009. My mission was “to expose the real Anne Boleyn”, or to get as close as I could to doing so, and the blog entries were nothing more than a diary of my thoughts and research. I didn’t think that anyone would ever read my posts, yet here are the latest statistics:

Obviously there are many, many people out there who are just as interested in Tudor history and the Boleyns as I am.

I’ve also written 7 history books since then – phew!

I couldn’t have done this without the support of visitors to this site and fellow history bloggers, authors, researchers and historians. I also couldn’t be doing what I do on a daily basis (my dream job!) without the support of Tim and my children Christian, Verity and Joel. Tim takes my mad ideas and helps to turn them into reality, and my kids cope very well with my Tudor history addiction. A big thank you to all of you.

Here’s a thank you video with details of a special giveaway:

To be in with a chance of winning the hardback version of Illustrated Kings and Queens of England, leave a comment below saying what you enjoy about visiting The Anne Boleyn Files site by midnight Friday 20 February (GMT). One lucky winner will be chosen at the weekend and emailed.

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