Happy 6th Birthday to the Anne Boleyn Files, and Giveaway

6th_anniversary_cakeDoesn’t time fly when you’re having fun? Yes, it most certainly does!

I can’t quite believe that it’s been six years since I wrote my very first post on this website on 17 February 2009. My mission was “to expose the real Anne Boleyn”, or to get as close as I could to doing so, and the blog entries were nothing more than a diary of my thoughts and research. I didn’t think that anyone would ever read my posts, yet here are the latest statistics:

Obviously there are many, many people out there who are just as interested in Tudor history and the Boleyns as I am.

I’ve also written 7 history books since then – phew!

I couldn’t have done this without the support of visitors to this site and fellow history bloggers, authors, researchers and historians. I also couldn’t be doing what I do on a daily basis (my dream job!) without the support of Tim and my children Christian, Verity and Joel. Tim takes my mad ideas and helps to turn them into reality, and my kids cope very well with my Tudor history addiction. A big thank you to all of you.

Here’s a thank you video with details of a special giveaway:

To be in with a chance of winning the hardback version of Illustrated Kings and Queens of England, leave a comment below saying what you enjoy about visiting The Anne Boleyn Files site by midnight Friday 20 February (GMT). One lucky winner will be chosen at the weekend and emailed.

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111 thoughts on “Happy 6th Birthday to the Anne Boleyn Files, and Giveaway”
  1. Hi Claire,

    Happy Birthday to you. Your website has provided me with so much information and I have learnt so much about the Tudor period since stumbling across it. I regularly visit your website to catch up on all your Anne Boleyn related news but mainly to read your book reviews. I absolutely love to read – particularly historical books – and my “to be read” pile is growing by the day thanks to your wonderful book reviews. Not only do the reviews serve to inform me of the latest books I want to read but it gives me the opportunity to decided whether or not they are worth buying. I usually read a review, download a kindle sample to my iPad and, if I like what I read, I will then buy either the hard copy version or the e-version.
    So thank you for your dedication and keep up the good work.

  2. I visit the Anne Boleyn Files regularly. I look forward to the interesting snippets and discussions and know I can rely on the accuracy of the postings. When I wrote The Kiss of the Concubine; the story of Anne Boleyn, the Anne Boleyn Files was a godsend for checking on facts or discovering new sources. So I wish you a very happy birthday indeed 🙂

  3. I can’t believe it’s been 6 years, either!! I discovered the website just after it was launched and I am so glad I did.

    I love all the articles about Anne Boleyn, the way you dig into primary sources and debunk many myths!

    For example, when I visited the Tower of London for the first time in March 2010, I knew exactly where Anne was executed, no matter what the guides told us!

    Thank you, Claire, and keep up the good work!! 🙂

  4. I was so happy when I found this website! I started learning more about Anne and I’ve been in Tudor heaven since. I love that your posts are chronological, so we know exactly what happened in Anne’s life on that day. I’ve purchased your books and I’m do thankful for your website! Thank you Claire!

  5. I can’t believe how much I have learned ! You manage to find information I would not know about. It keeps me busy for hours, thanks so much. Keep up the good work.

  6. I first came across the Anne Boleyn Files on facebook. I enjoy reading the “this day in history” posts each day. They help me understand when things happened and I have learned about many new people.

  7. I have only recently discovered the Anne Boleyn Files. I love how extensive this site is, with a vast amount of material to go through. I also love the companion facebook page and rely on it for my daily updates on what is new on the blog. Finding a site dedicated to this fascinating woman, but also committed to historical accuracy is a true gem of a find. Thank you for what you do. Congratulations on the first six years; I hope there are many more to come.

  8. I have been besotted by anne Boleyn since the age of 8 starting with the Antonio frasier novels and love the fact that your page does include more factual and well researched articles. It keeps an open mind on some of the more reviled members of the tudor court such as Jane rochford. I would like to know more on others such as henry Fitzroy and his wife mary Howard and being very sad came across the letter from elizabeth hungerford to Cromwell ( wolf hall has made me read the primary sources for the period of cromwells fall 🙁 ) which also sparks my interest. What I love about your site and also the rest of the online tudor enthusiasts community is the ability to discuss our views without the bored looks I get from my friends and my 10 year old xxx

  9. I’ve only recently found the Anne Boleyn files, but already I find myself looking forward to every post, each of which helps to satisfy my need for quality articles, information, and learning about the Tudor period. I love the variety and the detail. Happy birthday!

  10. The Moost Happi of birthdays to The Anne Boleyn Files!
    I think I found this site back when you were only 1, and have enjoyed your articles, posts, books, and historical perspective ever since. What keeps me coming back is that the site (and Claire Ridgway, namely) is a widely-respected source dedicated to not only Tudor history, but to debunking long-held inaccuracies of the period.
    Well done, AB Files. Professor Ives would be proud.

    1. Your comment about Eric Ives really moved me, Audra, thank you. I was lucky enough to meet him twice and he was a wonderful man. He was very patient with me and the grilling I gave him!

  11. Since finding this page it has encouraged me to research people from the era I would previously not have done. Happy birthday!

  12. Since finding this page it has encouraged me to research people from the era I would previously not have done. Happy birthday!

  13. I enjoy being able tp come here as I have questions, while reading various Tudor literature. I also enjoy the fact that many Tudor era people are referenced here.

  14. I remember coming across the page when i wanted to find out more information on Anne. I’d watched the Tudors and was captivated.

    I’m now thankful for this website as i’ve learnt so much! Bought a lot of books on recommendations and always refer back here when i’m looking for information!

    It inspires me to write about Tudor history and has also help feed my Tudor addiction!

  15. Happy 6th birthday to you!! I can across your website while researching Anne Boleyn. It has become the first place I got to when I want to read more about one of my many obsessions. You supply a vast amount of information which I find very interesting. I have spent hours browsing your site & always find something new & exciting.

    I find it hard at times to find information like this since I reside in the US, so your site has become a “hidden Treasure” for me. Thank you for taking the time to research & share All of it with others who share Your passion.

  16. Happy birthday!!!

    I look forward everyday to receiving and reading post from you. I love all things Tudor and of course Anne Boleyn. You always have such interesting little tidbits I never heard before. Thank you for all you do!

  17. I found this website last year and have been following it avidly ever since, I only wish I’d discovered it sooner, it’s so interesting and informative wether your an historian researching Tudor history or if your just an Anne Boleyn fan like I am, the sheer hard work you put into is amazing and as you say Claire it’s a job you enjoy so you are very lucky, I’d love the book the colour illustrations are beautiful and it’s something to treasure, happy birthday to the Anne Boleyn Files!

  18. Congrats Claire! I have followed your page from the start and I always enjoy the articles and information I find here. My favorite is the book reviews! I always check your reviews before purchasing a Tudor related book! Keep up the good work! Love to the family!

  19. I look forward to your daily posts. Your page has lead me to so many books I wouldn’t have known about otherwise. Thank you for all that you do! Plus! Your anniversary is my birthday! All the best to you!

  20. HB2U!!!
    As a student of all things Tudor for 50 years, I cannot tell you how much your site has meant to me. Your books are magnificent and you have done SO MUCH to get to the truth of those times. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  21. Dearest Claire,
    I have loved this site since the first moment I found it. The impeccable research has helped me with my own work and has kept me entertained and enlightened. Rich nuggets of history I would otherwise have overlooked or not been able to find, I have found here. But, though the subject is fascinating, I think the real reason for the wonderful success of the site and your books is YOU. Warm and friendly, patient and kind, you are as appealing as the information you so diligently research. So, take a moment and enjoy your successes! May there be many more birthdays! Thank you for all your hard work and for being YOU!

    1. That’s so sweet of you to say, Anne, and thank you for all the encouragement you’ve given me, you too are warm and friendly and so very giving.

  22. I’ve been following the Anne Boleyn Files since almost the beginning, and I still look forward to reading what’s on it every day! I’ve learned so much from it. and I really enjoy reading Claire’s articles on Anne, her family and the Tudor court! They’re obviously so well researched. Here’s to many more years of the Anne Boleyn Files!

  23. Happy Birthday! I have enjoyed this website so much! When I open my email and see an email marked “The Anne Boleyn Files’, I get a cup of coffee and peruse all the articles that email brings. Over the years I have learned so much about Anne and the Tudors. Every Advent I look forward to the Advent Calendar.

    I have enjoyed all your books and I want to let you know how much I appreciate all your work!


  24. Congratulations on the site!!I love coming here because I love learning about every aspect of the Tudors.It pushes me to learn more and more about one of my favorite time periods in history and one of my favorite subjects ever, British royalty.

  25. Oh what a joy! I am so happy you have reached another milestone birthday.

    One of my favorite things about visiting this site (and so often) is just the wealth of knowledge you bring to the Tudor era. I feel that before I found your site, I was lost in the history books trying to piece together the idea or picture of the era; however, since discovering the files, I’ve found the information is easily consumable (I usually end up reading it whilst working), freshly written, and provides the meat of the matter with additional links. It’s everything a well-thoughtout, history site should be.

    Thank you for everything you’ve put together here.

  26. I fell in love with British history in 3rd year University when I took a course which covered the Kings & Queens of England, particularly the Tudor period. I have really enjoyed the postings on Claire’s website, giving me insight into this fascinating time. Have just finished a book “Cor Rotto” about Catherine Carey. I am planning a trip to England this August taking a “Tudor History” tour. I don’t think I will be able to believe it when I get to stand in the grounds of Hever Castle – a dream come true! Thank you for all your scholarly efforts!

  27. Thank you for having this website. As I have 5 children and a full time job I don’t always get to enjoy my hobbies. It helps when I see the tidbits of the day. Thank you for all the work you put in to it.

  28. Happy Birthday to Anne Boleyn Files, even though I subscribed to this site quite recently, I can’t help reading all the information provided here that otherwidse cannot be found virtually anywhre but here.
    Thank you Claire and your supportive family!

  29. Happy Birthday to you, Claire and Anne Boleyn files! I have enjoyed each and every article, guest posts and historic information through the years. You bring the Tudor dynasty to life for me and I have enjoyed it very much. It is always a treat to open my email and find the latest articles! What a wonderful milestone for you!!

  30. Happy Birthday to your site!!! I absolutely love coming here to re what you have written on any Tudor topic!!! My obsession with the Tudor’s started a good 17 years ago for me (I’m only 29…soon to be dirty 30!! Lol!!)!! This page has helped me with a lot of research that I have done for my schooling also. I do already own a copy of The Illustrated Kings and Queens of England. It would be cool to have your autograph though!!:-) I had to get it as soon as you published it, so I got it for myself for Christmas!! 🙂 anyways, k just really wanted to say I’m glad you had your Anne dream that caused you to start this page, and I truly love it!! I also really love and appreciate its a family project!! My kids and husband too also tolerate my obsession..I tend to get eye rolling a lot, but I’ve gotten good at ignoring it!! Lol!! Have a great day, and thanks for this page so much!!! 😀

  31. Happy Website Birthday!!!! Yours was the first site I found when I started becoming interested in Anne and the Tudors in general. I’ve enjoyed everything you’ve written on the subject. Thanks, and keep up the good work! <3

  32. Happy webby birthday! I happened upon your Facebook page following a link from Wild Eyed Southern Celt and have LOVED it ever since! Thank you for your dedication and factual postings! They are such an enjoyable step back in time for me! Please carry on and never stop!

  33. Congratulations upon your 6th anniversary. I enjoy your site on a daily basis keeping up with what happened on this day in the Tudor period tweets and the wealth of background information supplied. Keep up the good work and enjoy ‘living the dream’.

  34. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!! I absolutely luv this site its so informative, thank you so much for all your hard work.. I have been fascinated with the Tudor period since childhood and have several tattoos all tudor related to show my luv for the era. I look forward to finding out new facts and information and reading everybody,s comments. Keep up the good work and thank you so much again Claire xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  35. I enjoy coming to visit the site by keeping up with what happened on this day every day.

    Congrats on your 6th anniversary on this site. 🙂

  36. Thank you for the valuable research you provide in a daily informative manner. I look forward to it everyday. As an historical costumer specialising in Celtic Renaissance my life work has been the culmination of my love for the history and my own research. Like yourself I have pursued it to the point of being truly being able to work at my love and love my work. People like yourself provide people like myself with not only reasearch and extant example, but your story of how your blog has grown has inspired me to search and utilise social media in a way I never imagined. I had never realised how many like minded people were out there until finding it. Your figures are impressive and well deserved !

  37. Hi and happy birthday to your files.i love the Ann boleyn files.its compulsive reading a day to day diary of tudors life.the personalities and historical characters all come to life.may you long reign.sue.xxx

  38. I love this website! I have learned something new each time I visit. I especially love reading the comments. It’s like meeting with friends who are as fascinated with Anne Boleyn as I am. Thank you Claire for this wonderful site and for sharing your time and knowledge..

  39. I have really enjoyed getting to know the true facts related to Anne Boleyn and the other historical topics I have read about the last couple of years. Thank you for your diligence.

  40. Congratulations on six years of an absolutely wonderful site you have created with your husband and family Claire. The only thing I truly wish is that I’d have found it six years ago when you started. I keep thinking of all the wonderful things I have missed. However, here I am now so dedicated to this site that I have forwarded it to my sister who is now just as involved as I am. It is truly addictive. That book looks absolutely gorgeous I would love to own it or even be able to buy it if I could here in Canada. I have a collection of history books that people envy and that would certainly be the one to take over the top spot.
    In any case, thank you for this site and I am a huge, huge fan. Many more years Claire!

  41. I love your website and all other postings you have put online. You have so graciously allowed us to see through your research and writings. I was “hooked” on the Tudors from the time I read my first book on them. That was probably in 4th or 5th grade. And even though I’m 61 now that interest has never waned. I don’t know any other word to describe it for me other than fascinating! I learn and enjoy new information every from your postings. My greatest wish has always been to travel to the UK and visit England and all the sites that I’ve read about all these years. You certainly have made it easier for me to visualize in my mind all the different castles and such that you talk about. I will probably never visit at least not with my husband. His feeling is that he’s not going to the UK or Europe until he can drive on a highway to get there. Don’t think that will be happening any time soon!! So I’m saving up with plans hopefully to visit by myself after I retire. Keep up
    your phenomenal research and sharing with us!! And happy anniversary from a big fan over here in the USA

  42. I love your website and all other postings you have put online. You have so graciously allowed us to see through your research and writings. I was “hooked” on the Tudors from the time I read my first book on them. That was probably in 4th or 5th grade. And even though I’m 61 now that interest has never waned. I don’t know any other word to describe it for me other than fascinating! I learn and enjoy new information every from your postings. My greatest wish has always been to travel to the UK and visit England and all the sites that I’ve read about all these years. You certainly have made it easier for me to visualize in my mind all the different castles and such that you talk about. I will probably never visit at least not with my husband. His feeling is that he’s not going to the UK or Europe until he can drive on a highway to get there. Don’t think that will be happening any time soon!! So I’m saving up with plans hopefully to visit by myself after I retire. Keep up
    your phenomenal research and sharing with us!! And happy anniversary from a big fan over here in the USA

  43. Happy Birthday!! I can’t believe it has been 6 years, time flies when you are reading something you love. I have been interested in Anne Boleyn since I was 13 and I am now 64. It was refreshing to find your website and to see the fresh air you let in on the story of Anne Boleyn. Anne was too often vilified and I was glad to see you present the true facts on her behalf. Thank you. Tricia W.

  44. I love reading all the news about the Tudor history. I look forward to the advent calendar at Christmas time. I even own some of the jewelry from this site. Happy Birthday and may this site have many more!

  45. Happy Birthday… I enjoy all your various articles& interesting facts. But my real guilty pleasure is your gift shop lol 🙂

  46. Happy Happy Birthday! You’re website and research has inspired my own research in the genealogy field and through that I have discovered my own connection to Anne Boleyn. I would never have taken the time without all the inforamtion and reserach done before me. Thank you!!

  47. Wow Its amazing that the Anne Boleyn Files started 6 years ago today on the 17th February 2009. Huge Congratulations Claire I am a huge fan of Anne Boleyn, and am very keen to find the true facts, pictures, and genune information on Anne Boleyn not fabricated and exagerated. Your new book looks amazing to all readers who are keen and interested in finding out more about the Royal Family and their Heritage and the pictures in the book shown n the video look lovely and the whole book looks well done even if I wasn’t chosen to win it I would certainly go out and buy it. Thanks very much Claire for sharing this video.

  48. Happy Birthday and congratulations Claire on six wonderful years with the Anne Boleyn Files.
    Can’t imagine my week without it and The Tudor Society is now running a close second!
    Between both you provide a wonderful look into the what life and the people who lived it experienced. History becomes alive again thru the eye of the reader.

    Mahalo nui!!

  49. I love the daily anniversary posts, and more in-depth features on particular facets. I love that this led to the Tudor Society, and that you interact with us! Congratulations on the anniversary and here’s to many more!

  50. I love this site! I’ve always been a fan of Tudor times. Your articles about Anne are informative and enjoyable but I also love any info about Katherine Parr.

  51. congratulations! I love love love Tudor history and am so excited that I came across this site. I read everything that I can and look forward to your emails with new links to new articles. Thank you, thank you! Here is to another 6!

  52. I am so happy for you! Happy birthday and congratulations to you and this website for giving so many people the right information and the entretainment. I found this website in 5th grade, when I was watching the Tudors and got SO interested in Anne Boleyn and those times. Right now I´m in 8th grade (wooow! such a long time hahaha). Anyway, thank you for making me love even more the Tudors and Anne Boleyn, such a beautiful time and mystery. What I love about your page is the right information it has and how it leaves everything clear. Actually, right now I will be presenting to my class the life of Henry VIII and I used your page. Anyway, happy birthday!! XOXO

  53. Happy birthday to my favorite site!
    This site has become a cornerstone to me for so many reasons, but first and foremost, because it is such a personable place to be. I always feel so very welcome here, and when I leave, I cannot wait to come back for more!
    Deeply involved in medieval history since my early youth, a few years back I became involved with an historical reenactment organization, and found myself interested in the Tudor period.
    One thing led to another, and I ended up with a copy of “The Other Boleyn Girl”, which left me with many unanswered questions about the historical Anne Boleyn, so to the internet I went. Google listed this site, and I’ve never turned back.
    Claire, thank you so much for sharing your love of not only Anne, but of so many things that are intertwined with her and her life. I have learned so much, thanks to your site, and I am so looking forward to each and every new thing that is yet to come.
    Keep up the fantastic work and may you and your wonderful family forever be blessed!

  54. Happy Birthday to the Anne Boleyn Files!

    Claire & Tim, thank you for all of your hard work and dedication.
    Everyday I look forward to signing on and seeing all of the new articles and posts regarding The Tudors.

    Excellent work… thank you again!

    Here’s to 6 more years!

  55. Mazel tov on the anniversary. I check this site daily to learn new things about Anne and her times, as I learn so much from both you and those who post comments on your articles.

  56. The Anne Boleyn Files has been a part of my every day life for so long that I cannot imagine NOT having this site to go to. It has been so incredibly informative, not to mention fun. I still re-read the many books I have on Anne Boleyn and Sixteenth Century British Royals. And all the others before them, of course. Clearly this is the place to be!!!!

  57. I’ve been interested in British history all my life but have always struggled to find a user friendly entry point into the mass of information available. The Anne Bolyen Files has provided that for me. You provide a balanced, informative, evidenced based, easy to read source of all things “Anne” plus more. The Files have been my launching pad to extensive reading and developing my own views. Also, as someone living in Australia with limited access to the places and resources, the photos and pictures you post are invaluable. Thank you so much for your work and congratulations ons 6 great years. May there be many more to come

  58. Happy Happy Happy Birthday to.
    I just love your website and i have gotten so much out of your sit and have lorend a lot about The Tudors and have read all i can on them and what you say to ready about a new book coming out and i have ready all your books all.I just love The Tudors and most of all i love Anne Boleyn. thanks for all the hard work you put in to your wepsite and all your other stuff you are working on. Just Love it all thanks.

  59. Happy birthday to the Anne Boleyn files!!It has been the most interesting and objective website about Anne Boleyn i’ve ever read.Read your stories every day.Don’t ever stop!!

  60. Hi Claire and Happy happy birthday to you!

    I found your site while at work helping one of my students in history class. I was an aide and I was trying to get some background information about a certain time in history. Believe it or not, that’s how I came upon your site!

    What a glorious time it’s been since then. It not only gave me knowledge about that time, but also inspired me to explore more about that period in history. I think I’ve seen most movies and read lots and lots of books about Anne Boleyn and her King!

    What I love most about your site is waiting until the next email comes in. It’s almost like a mystery…..What more is there to know? Do we have any new news? Has someone found a transcript that will suprise us all? And of course, not to mention how user friendly the site is, if I want to refer back to an article and read it again, (or over and over), I can!

    Thanks again Claire for your wonderful work, it truely shows that you enjoy it as much as we all do!

  61. I visit the Anne Boleyn files every time I receive a notification something new has been posted. I love learning more about Tudor England and those that lived then. I am especially interested in the Tudors themselves and feel I have come to know them better as people not just what history teaches us. Thank you so much for your hard work I love your website.

  62. Happy Birthday to the Anne Boleyn website and congratulations to you Claire for your success! I love the articles you research for your readers and appreciate the introduction of new & seasoned authors’ works I might have missed otherwise. Your dedication is astounding and I wish you much continued success and all the accolades you deserve! Thank you, Tim, and all those who assist & encourage you!

  63. Good Tidings on your birthday! I just feel so lucky to have found a website geared towards people like me–Tudor-philes. I truly have learned from reading your articles and I’m also proud to be a Charter Member of the Tudor Society.(I’m still not 100% on the dates for the quizzes, but I’m getting better!) I’ve FINALLY scheduled my dream trip–a coach tour of the UK and Ireland-with my high school girlfriends for our 60th birthdays this year. I only wish it went to Hever Castle for an overnight stay. I guess I’ll just have to go back for another visit and make an “All Tudor All the Time” trip.
    Again, thanks for being here. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you. 🙂

  64. i am an avid fan of the tudor era and i relish getting more information about this time in history and just love reading all the information on this site and especially that which i have not come across before. thanks for all you wonderful work

  65. I first discovered your web page as a British literature and history teacher, and it quickly became one of only a handful of sites I allowed my students to use, because of the degree of authority it has.Since my retirement, however, i visit every day and post links to almost everything you have on my Facebook page. My friends and i are all Anglophiles. This is the best part, though! I have shown many of my English friends your posts and THEY have said they’ve learned so much about their culture and history, too!

  66. I was so thrilled when I found this website. I never knew that there were so many people out there who loved Anne Boleyn as much as I did. Claire, your research has always been so thorough and even- handed, it’s a pleasure to read.

  67. Happy Birthday to the Anne Boleyn Files!
    I accidentally happened onto this site and BAM! I loved it! I couldn’t believe that all this information was here before me. I had to read and join. I love the post everyday from you Claire and all the wonderful tidbits of information you have on this site. Then you sent out an invitation to join Tudor Society and I did, I love everything there as well. Great chats and quizzes as well as the monthly magazine. I’m very happy that you do what you like every day, for me it’s a pleasure to be part of it. Thank you Claire & Tim.

  68. When I was a girl my mother would tell me all about the books on Anne and Tudor history she would read,since then I have been hooked! I found your site about a year ago and was over the moon. I look forward to your posts on Facebook every day. Thank you for all your hard work and wonderful site. Happy Birthday!

  69. Congratulations on your milestone, and thank you for your on-going efforts on this site.

    I’m thrilled to have found such an authoritative, free resource to learn about this period and the people who lived it. I love your clear writing style, and I love learning something new every time I read your posts; it’s a good day when there’s email from The Anne Boleyn Files.

    I’ve even managed to convert my interested-in-nothing daughter, so you have two fans for the price of one here. Heh.


  70. Happy birthday !So glad I found your page last year it has been so informative and has give me a true insite to history especially the true information about Anne Bolyne who I love reading about So please keep posting Its a truely a great site Thank you for all your hard work x

  71. I don’t remember when I discovered you, but I am sure glad I did. I am a history buff and even though I have read countless books on the subject, I can always count on finding new and interesting information when I visit your page and blog. Congratulations on six years – I am a follower for life!

    Thank you for the giveaway, too – this book looks gorgeous :).

  72. Happy 6th Birthday. Love the site for its a passion of mine, history, history, oh and history; Tudor especially, Henry and his wives especially, and as a historian I enjoy the debates and articles and the sources. Many thanks and here for a dozen more times six years.

  73. Congratulations on your 6 years. I enjoy learning things from the anne boleyn files I might not have known otherwise. Thank you.

  74. Hello!

    Want to congratulate and say Happy Birthday again.
    I have truly enjoyed The Ann Boleyn Files because it has given me the chance to still study and interact almost like with a professor. I have not been able to finish at my local University due to financial reasons and this is keeping my dream and path to my major alive! I love the quizzes, the daily posts, being able to interact with other Ann Boleyn Files followers and that adds the magic back into what I miss the most. It reminds me of my favorite teacher Mrs. Myers, she had a special interest for King Henry VIII. I enjoy every post and look at the store and eye goodies and books that I want to add to my collection. Thank you and Tim so much for everything that you do. I have always wanted to travel to England, and hopefully one day I will! I would really love to have this book signed by you as a loyal fan and it looks just beautiful! Thank you for the opportunity and I hope for many more years to come!

  75. Happy Happy birthday. I found this site about a year or so ago I think. So glad you are doing this. I love reading the history and hope some day to be able to go to England and see the places that all this history took place. Thank you for all you do!!

  76. 🙂 hi Claire ! wow.. 6 years old! 😉 Happy Birthday to you and the inception of your website which started it all for me! I am overjoyed at having discovered your website , read your books and proudly wear my Anne Boleyn t-shirt , pendant and being a member of The Tudor Society 🙂 You are an amazing woman to have succeeded with so much. you are totally awesome 🙂 I have , through your website, learnt so much and your updates keep the Tudor Nut inside me, alive 🙂 I have become friends with so many others in my quest for History.. and have shared your posts to friends and family who I never thought would share my interest in The Tudors; and they absolutely love your site and links !
    Without your website I would never have been able to reach my dream of writing, myself, as a book reviewer.. thankyou Claire , and again… Happy Birthday 🙂 xx

  77. Happy happy birthday Claire and the Anne Boleyn Files! I love that this is a place where we Anne enthusiast can learn and discuss “our girl”. My family and many friends do not understand why I obsess over history and are known to lovingly mock my “history nerd” self, but I know that we are a community that understands and respects one another for our mutual love. Anne has long been my favorite historical figure, and the more I learn, the more I want to know. I think her charisma and appeal were noted in her life, but are made all the more apparent by her legacy. We are still fascinated by and debating this incredible women who forever altered history. Can’t wait for many more posts and great years to come!

  78. Happy Birthday Anne Boleyn Files Website! I found this site while researching Anne Boleyn. This has been the best site I’ve ever found of hers. I love Tudor History! You have done so beautiful on this website! Congratulations on your success! I love this website!

  79. Happy birthday to The Anne Boleyn Files! It’s been 2 years since I watched reruns of The Tudors which rekindled my interest in Anne Boleyn and expanded it to include the whole Tudor period. Since that time I have discovered your wonderful website, purchased yours and others books about Anne, Henry, Elizabeth, etc., and learned so much about this amazing period of English history. Thank you Claire for making your vision a reality and for the meticulous research you do. Glad you have a great family who supports your work.

  80. Six years!

    I’m an Anne Boleyn fan and love reading about the latest books, thoughts and research about her on this website.

  81. Thank you for your informative website!
    Always look forward to reading what you have every time. Especially interesting is your information on the various depictions of the Tudors. Wish someone would find an authentic Anne! Until then very much enjoy all the debates. Please keep the exciting work going.
    Happy Birthday!

  82. I love coming to the Anne Bolelyn Files website on a daily basis. I’ve been obsessed with everything having to do with Tudor England as far back as I can remember, and I’ve learned so much from your website and interviews. Thank you so much for enriching my life.

  83. Happy Birthday Claire and the site
    I always learn something new when I look the website together with the newsletter, it is just like living in the Tudor era today
    good luck to everybody

  84. Happy Birthday! I first found this site on facebook, and since then checking for updates and reading the wonderful articles has been a part of my morning routine. Thanks for the treasure trove of information. 🙂

  85. Wow six years! Congratulations.

    I love this website it has provided me with so much information and starting points of where to research further. I have always been an admirer of Anne Boleyn ever since I studied the Tudors in primary school (some 25 years ago now).

    I have loved reading your on this day sections and always come here and to your facebook page to check up on the latest news. I am also privelidged to have been included in this years calendar with my photo of Sudeley Castle.

    It is one of the only sites that I trust for information and as a result it has inspired me to think about setting up a blog myself covering the Tudors and Shakespeare.

  86. I am a British baby born in America. I love this site because it gives me something to connect with while I’m stuck in the wrong country (and era). I love this era and Britain in general. This is one of the few sites that has accurate information and I’m really glad I stumbled across it!!

  87. I love the extra bit of history that I learn about the Tudor queens when I visit this site. The books, jewelry and articles here are the best. It’s great being with like people.

  88. This website is a real gem of information and diligent research. I’ve loved reading about the Tudors ever since I saw the film “Anne of a Thousand Days” as a young teenager of 13. That film and the books of Jean Plaidy brought that era alive for me even if they are fiction to a large extent. Your website provides the reader with truth, honesty and sincere information regarding Anne Boleyn and the Tudor era. I have so enjoyed reading your articles on a daily basis and always learn something new each time. The sources you provide whether they be Primary or secondary enable the reader to read further and understand where the views and comments have their origins. I think you must work so hard each day to give your visitors such an in depth and honest read about those very famous Tudors. Well done on your achievements and website. God bless XXx

  89. I have recently become very interested in this era of English history. I have a trip to London planned for August. I am trying to remember all the courses I took in high school and college, plus movies on this subject. ( I really did enjoy history in those days). Thank you for this website. I appreciate your endeavors for the past 6 years. Happy Birthday!! I have downloaded several books on my Kindle….in the process of reading. Just finished The Fall of Anne Boylen plus Barrington’s Anne Boylen.. I will follow your suggestions and reading lists. Thank you.

  90. Happy 6 years Claire! Your website, publications, and video clips are so much looked forward to, by me, on a daily basis. You are part of my family! I absolutely love Tudor times and all its history, and I compliment you, and your immediate family, for providing knowledge and entertainment to all your members and followers.

  91. Hi, Claire. First of all congratulations and Happy Birthday to the Anne Boleyn files. I discovered this site a year ago. I am so glad that I did. I just love this website. I love that you not only learn about Anne, but some of the other wives as well. I love that you Claire are fair and impartial. I love your insight on things. Which has helped me with my own page on Henry’s wives. I also like how the Anne Boleyn files helped bring to the fore front Amazing historians like Conor Bryne. I just can’t say enough good things about this page. Love it.

  92. This site is the one true source for information and articles related to Anne. I find this to be my go to source for anything in regards to Anne and I will look nowhere else for true facts and clear research.

  93. A belated Happy Birthday/Anniversary of the Anne Boleyn Files….the momentum this site has gathered over the years is amazing, and can only be credited to you with a ‘bit’ of help those back stage 🙂 there is no doubt you will go from strength to strength.

    With all best wishes for the future.

  94. Happy birthday 🙂 I love your site because when a question pops into my head I know I can find the best a sweet her, as well as opinions on things that are not proven fact, foe example I popped over today as I was wondering what the sweating sickness was known as today, turns out it poss disappeared but there was very lively discussion following your researched answer. Thanks for all y our hard work 🙂

  95. I found your site after I saw the Tudors but my interest in British history goes back to when I was in high school and read the book about Katherine Swynford. I was hooked then and wvihenever they showed anything related to that period on PBS, I would drop everything and watch. Anne & Henry’s story caused me much anxiety because I felt she was judged too harshly and he got away with murder several times. She was no angel but she was not Satan as she was portrayed over the centuries. I hope she rests in peace with her daughter Elizabeth. Love reading the history books and the movies and series but I still sympathize with her and all the women who lived during those times. I hope to go to England and visit all the places that I have become familiar with due to sites such as this one. Thanks for all the good information

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