Just a quick blog to share with you this video that Molly (Tudor costumer, AKA Anne Boleyn!) has sent me. It is a video clip from last weekend’s Festival of History 2009 at Kelmarsh Hall where Molly was in charge of a wonderful Tudor Fashion Show (see blog post below for photos of the costumes).

Enjoy watching a very polite and friendly Henry VIII talking about his costume, standing just outside Molly’s wonderful Tudor pavilion.

The Festival of History was organised by English Heritage and the fashion show was event-managed by Black Knight Historical.

P.S. I’m busy working on adding more places to our “Tudor Places” section – I’ve just done Royal Buildings and will be trying to get the other sections done over the next week – phew!

P.P.S. Thank you to all those who’ve booked “The Anne Boleyn Experience 2010” – now I’m wishing that I’d organised it for next month because I am so excited and so looking forward to meeting you all!

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6 thoughts on “Festival of History”
  1. Has anyone ever heard of Princess Mary Elisabeth of Denmark? She is the wife of the crown prince of Denmark and bears a striking resemblence to Anne Boleyn. I have heard that she is like her in personality as well. Interesting =)

  2. hey i want to join the festival of history but i dont know how to can u tell em how i can join please i really want to do it

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