FAO Authors, Aspiring Authors and Friends of Authors

This is not at all to do with Tudor history – sorry! – but I know that many of you who follow this page are authors or aspiring authors.

Today sees the launch of my latest book project, Interviews with Indie Authors: Top Tips from Successful Self-Published Authors, and I’m very excited about it because it features interviews with some of the bestselling indie authors (including me!); interviews where they share their stories and their strategies for success. Self-publishing is a subject that is very dear to my heart and I feel honoured to have collaborated with these authors, who were so giving of their time and their advice. These were the authors who inspired me when I started my publishing journey back in February.

You can find out more about the book and also the launch competition in my article Competition and Launch of Interviews with Indie Authors.

Thank you for all your support and encouragement!

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2 thoughts on “FAO Authors, Aspiring Authors and Friends of Authors”
  1. HI Claire,
    Just ordered this and I wish you every success with it.
    I’m really looking forward to reading the tips on how to promote the books. My original printer was also a publisher (mainly of erotic stuff, although I didn’t know that till they took me on a short cut through the print room one day – lots of laughs there I can tell you,and they told me to cover my little eyes!) and some of my books went to the distributors’ warehouses with theirs. As I have said to you before, the distributors are taking a cut of up to 60%, which I can’t/ won’t sustain and would also charge me a monthly fee for storage now.
    I have a different printer now (Fisk Printers of Hull) who are excellent but are not publishers or distributors, so with my next two (Queen Victoria, to be followed by Katherine Howard –www.queens-haven.co.uk) I am having a smaller number printed for my own distribution to my regular museums etc., but we are also setting up for Kindle etc. and this is where I need some help and advice. Writing and researching is lots of fun, it’s the marketing that’s the drag.
    Where I have been able to get my books seen I have always made sales, but it’s a real slog, especially for someone living well away from London, so I’m quite excited about your book. The accompanying web site is very interesting as well.

    All the best with this venture.


    1. Hi Marilyn,
      Thank you!
      I can just imagine you walking through that print room with your hands over your eyes!
      I think the world of publishing is changing dramatically at the moment due to excellent print-on-demand companies and the advent of the e-book. Authors don’t have to spend any upfront on printing, books don’t have to be stored and royalties are fair to the author. It’s been a real learning curve for me but I’m enjoying the experience and it’s definitely the right decision for me.
      I blog regularly at http://www.interviewswithindieauthors.com about self-publishing and there is also a resources section there, but email me if you need any advice re the Kindle.
      Thanks again and keep me updated on your projects.
      Claire x

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