Did Anne Boleyn have any pets?

In my latest “Questions about Anne Boleyn” video, I am answering the question “Did Anne Boleyn have any pets?”.

In an age when exotic pets like monkeys were popular with royalty, what animals did Queen Anne Boleyn keep and what do we know about them? I look at what the contemporary sources tell us about Anne Boleyn’s pets.

This video was partly inspired by the fact that my own pets keep making cameo appearances in my videos and for those of you who are animal lovers, I introduce my pets at the end.

I do hope you enjoy these videos. Please do consider subscribing to the Anne Boleyn Files and Tudor Society YouTube channel. I am doing “on this day in Tudor history” videos every day and I’m doing regular Boleyn-themed videos too. I am also intending to do further live events in the future.

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