Day 2 of the Discover the Tudors Tour

After a breakfast spent gazing out of the hotel window at Windsor Castle opposite, our group had a guided tour of Windsor Castle. Our guide, Amanda, gave us a Tudor-focused tour, giving us an overview of the castle’s history and then pointing out the parts built by our very favourite dynasty. She also pointed out parts that we all saw on TV back in May when Prince Harry married Meghan – we walked where George Clooney walked – ha!

We couldn’t have asked for a better day as it was lovely and sunny. I think my favourite part was visiting the chapel and saying hello to Henry VIII and Jane Seymour, as well as Charles Brandon, Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville, Henry VI and a few others, and also seeing the stall plates of some of my favourite Tudor Knights of the Garter. It really is a jaw-droppingly beautiful place.

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3 thoughts on “Day 2 of the Discover the Tudors Tour”
  1. Oh how I would love to be on this tour but I will have to live vicariously through your photos. BTW, love the Francis doll.

  2. Iv been to Windsor several times and am always enchanted by how picturesque it is, the little town with its cobbled lanes and little shops and Frogmore is like something out of a picture book, a little winding stream with swans gliding by, the turrets of Windsor castle nearby, it still awes the mind as it must have done in Henrys day and I recall President Reagan ŵas very impressed with it when he visited the queen many years ago, glad you are enjoying yourself Claire and watch those cream teas, they can be fatal on the waistline.

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