At The Mercy of the Queen: A Novel of Anne Boleyn Now Available for Pre-order

Anne Clinard Barnhill

Anne Clinard Barnhill, a regular Anne Boleyn Files visitor and winner of our article competition back in February, has just sent me the synopsis for her upcoming novel which is due out in January 2012.

You can read the synopsis and find ordering details at our Tudor Book Reviews Site – see At The Mercy of the Queen: A Novel of Anne Boleyn Now Available for Pre-order – but I just wanted to take the opportunity to alert Anne Boleyn Files visitors to this upcoming book and to wish Anne every success with her book. Anne has been a real support to me with The Anne Boleyn Files with her regular comments and I feel like I know her. Good luck, Anne, and congratulations!

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4 thoughts on “At The Mercy of the Queen: A Novel of Anne Boleyn Now Available for Pre-order”
  1. Thank you so much, Claire! I’m getting excited about the book–it’s beginning to seem real finally! 🙂

  2. Are you doing any giveaways on GoodReads and so forth, Anne? I’m sure people would be clamoring to enter a competition to win a copy, myself included!

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