Anne Boleyn’s Coronation Celebrations 24-26 May 2014 at the Tower of London

Tudors-at-the-Towwer_Henry-and-Anne-314x205If you’re in London this weekend then why not pop along to the family festival at the Tower of London. Here are the details from Historic Royal Palaces:

Family festival at the Tower of London, May Bank Holiday weekend.

Saturday 24 – Monday 26 May 2014

Included in your admission ticket

“Bring your family to the Tower of London over the Bank Holiday weekend and immerse yourself in a living Tudor world. The court of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII in 1533 will be brought to life, and we’ll need your help to prepare for Anne’s upcoming coronation.

Meet us in the moat where you’ll be greeted by Tudor characters and assigned a mission. Follow this mission trail and complete interactive tasks to make Anne’s coronation a celebratory success.

Take part in Tudor cookery, craft and games in the Hands on History Zone. Step into the past and complete a Tudor challenge by becoming a knight, a court fool or an actor to impress the new queen. Don’t forget to explore our exciting pop-up palace where you can discover the story of Anne’s coronation through a 360 degree film created by local young people and Aardman Animations.

Once you’ve completed your mission, you’ll meet the royal couple in the moat for Anne’s coronation celebration rehearsal.”

Find out more at

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3 thoughts on “Anne Boleyn’s Coronation Celebrations 24-26 May 2014 at the Tower of London”
  1. Wow her fall off the throne and her coronation in the month of May. So sad. Rip Ann boylyn.

  2. I find it very odd indeed that just over one week after we have recalled the events of the trial and tragic fall and death of Anne Boleyn that we have moved back to where it all began three short years before at the site of Anne’s triumph and her coronation. How strange life is. Anne was happy at this point and was at the height of her power and looking forward to what I am sure she believed would be the start of a long and happy marriage and career; giving birth to many sons and being adored by the most powerful man in England; the King. She was heavily pregnant with the future Elizabeth, a child that Anne was proud of and that Henry was also proud off at the start of her life and as she grew more and more would he become proud of Anne’s daughter. However, Anne was hoping that she was carrying the longer for son and all the prophets and cunning women said the same thing. Before the days of scans and so on this was taken with serious sincereity and the couple had no reason to doubt anything else would happen. Anne was in the luxery of the newly completed royal apartments and she was being pampered and totally spoilt as all attention was lavished upon her to make sure that as the mother of Henry’s future anticipated heir wanted for nothing. Now she could for a few days enjoy herself and relax and party and have feasts, dancing and pagents. I will not be going to the Tower over the bank holoday but here I hope all that are have a really lovely time. It sounds as if it will be a well done celebration and will be a good time meant for all the family. Enjoy.

  3. How eerie and interesting would it be if we somehow discovered that Anne’s birth date was also in May?

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