The Anne Boleyn Collection II Kindle Countdown Deal – 22-29 November 2013

Anne Boleyn Collection II Kindle Countdown DealI know some of you are disappointed that the 99p Amazon promo of The Anne Boleyn Collection (my first book) is limited to UK customers (and I have no control of that because it’s an Amazon run promo), so I thought I’d cheer you up by entering my new book The Anne Boleyn Collection II into Amazon’s Kindle Countdown Deals. It’s just my little way of saying thank you.

The Anne Boleyn Collection II Kindle version is a Kindle Countdown Deal from 22nd November until 29th November 2013 and will be on offer for 99¢ and 99p. The deal has already started in the UK and will begin at approximately 8am PST in the US.

Here are the links:

  • Click here for The Anne Boleyn Collection II on Amazon UK.
  • Click here for The Anne Boleyn Collection II on

Those of you in the US, please check that the 99¢ promotion has started before you buy it. It is due to start at 8am PST. UK Kindle users are rather lucky, they can pick up both Anne Boleyn Collection Kindle books for 99p each at the moment!

Apologies to Kindle users in other countries but at the moment Kindle Countdown Deals are only available on Amazon UK and Amazon US.

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One thought on “The Anne Boleyn Collection II Kindle Countdown Deal – 22-29 November 2013”
  1. SQUEEEEE!!! I got my Kindle book for 99¢ and I can’t wait to dig into it. Thank you so much for making it available! I am so glad I found this site!

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