Anne Boleyn Audio Books at $5 Each until 31 May 2014

audio_book_special_offersJust a quick reminder that the audio book versions of The Anne Boleyn Collection and The Fall of Anne Boleyn: A Countdown are at a special discounted price of $5 until 31st May 2014.

Buy now at

Here are the details:

Title: The Fall of Anne Boleyn: A Countdown
Narrator: Claire Ridgway, the author
Running Time: 439 Minutes
Audio Format: mp3 audio files and m4b audio files (iTunes etc.)
Download Size: 602Mb(mp3)/211Mb(m4b)

Title: The Anne Boleyn Collection
Narrator: Claire Ridgway, the author
Running Time: 399 Minutes
Audio Format: mp3 audio files and m4b audio files (iTunes etc.)
Download Size: 544Mb (mp3)/190Mb(m4b)

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One thought on “Anne Boleyn Audio Books at $5 Each until 31 May 2014”
  1. Have spent the last two Mays walking about my home with this indispensable book in my hand, a finger holding open the date page, and I can honestly say I am really attached to it now! Claire is just the best teacher!

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