On this day in history, 9th October…

1514 – Marriage of Princess Mary Tudor, sister of Henry VIII, and Louis XII of France at Abbeville – see Mary Tudor Marries Louis XII of France

1529 – A writ of praemunire was filed against Cardinal Thomas Wolsey in the court of King’s Bench

1536 – Pilgrimage of Grace: The rebels of Horncastle, Lincoln, dispatch their petition of grievances to the King and also north into Yorkshire. See 4th October 1536 – The Lincolnshire Rising and Trouble at Horncastle

1547 – Baptism of Miguel de Cervantes, author of Don Quixote, in Alcalá de Henares, Spain. His actual birthdate is unknown.

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One thought on “9th October – On this Day in History…”
  1. What a beautiful young woman she was, that is a lovely portrait of her, is it in this country or abroad? I wonder if she was repulsed by her ‘old’ french husband, the things you had to do out of duty eh, but she soon wore the poor old thing out though. No wonder she stamped her royal foot and married whom she wanted afterwards, the brave lady incurring the wrath of big brother. Good job he favoured her and her husband too

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