50% off The Life of Anne Boleyn Course

I just wanted to share the news that MedievalCourses.com have a flash sale until midnight tomorrow (3rd March) on all of their courses, which includes my “The Life of Anne Boleyn” course.

The coupon code is LENT2017 and this brings the price of my 15 unit (18 video lessons) course down to $37.50 (approx £31). There is also a course on Henry VIII’s six wives by Gareth Russell and a collection of medieval history courses by Toni Mount – see the Courses Overview page for details of all the courses.

These courses are all online courses so can be done from anywhere in the world and also when you want and at your own pace. This means that you could sign up for a few with the LENT2017 coupon now and start them in a few days, weeks or month.

I do hope you enjoy my course. I loved writing and filming it.

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