4 March 1522 – Anne Boleyn plays Perseverance

On this day in Tudor history, 4th March 1522, at York Place, home of Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, Anne Boleyn played the rather apt part of Perseverance in a lavish pageant.

It was Shrovetide at King Henry VIII’s court, and the Chateau Vert pageant was part of the celebrations. It also celebrated successful negotiations between King Henry VIII and Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor.

I’d love to go back in time and be a fly on the wall at this pageant, to see a young Anne Boleyn and her fellow maids of honour, and to see a battle between ladies throwing rose water and comfits and men throwing dates and oranges – fun!

Find out more about the 1522 Chateau Vert pageant, who was involved and what happened in the video below or by reading my article on it – click here.

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