I hope you’ve had a wonderful week so far. Hopefully, your week will be made even better by today’s Tudor treats!
We have an exclusive video today from Dr Owen Emmerson, castle supervisor at Hever Castle. As we can’t visit the inside of Hever Castle at the moment, he’s bringing it to us – hurrah! A big thank you to Owen, Lisa and the Hever team for this lovely video.
I do hope you enjoy it.
Simply visit the Advent Calendar by clicking here.
Then, why not enjoy another historical treat by heading over to the Tudor Society? Find out who is hiding in the very Christmassy Coughton Court today.
Simply go to https://www.tudorsociety.com/advent2020/!
And in case you missed the daily Teasel’s Tudor Trivia videos from Advent last year, here is Teasel’s 15th December treat:
And, if you want even more Tudor history goodness, then here is today’s “on this day in Tudor history” video:
Hi all and Happy Christmas, not long now.
Regarding the dying of hair why didn’t they just use henna? It’s been around for thousands of years.
Please don’t dye Teasel red
I promise I won’t!
BQ, have you or Christine heard from Michael at all? He used to be such a regular commenter here and on the Tudor Society, but there’s been nothing for quite a while now. I tried emailing him to see if he was ok, but nothing. I hope he’s ok.
No, unfortunately I haven’t heard of anything since before the American Election so before 3rd November, but it’s very odd as he was always on here a lot.
I hope he is o.k. He is missed a lot. I don’t know if he is on Twitter but then he would use a handle for that.
I hope he comes back soon. Christine hasn’t said anything, but she didn’t hear from him last time I asked. Fingers crossed he sees an email and just pops in.
Take care.
Hi Bq and Claire, no I havnt heard anything from him either, I hope he’s not ill, well now as I write this we are in tier four and there’s fears of a food shortage, iv been shopping today and there’s plenty still in the supermarkets, this Christmas won’t be like any other we have ever known, but my neighbour said something to me the other day, that we have in fact been spoilt, when we consider the hardships our parents grandparents and great grandparents faced during two world wars, especially when Hitler bombed our cities, food rationing that continued after the war, and the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 they had all that to cope with without the luxuries we have today, for those on their own isolation must have been truly heartbreaking, no phones no FaceTime to chat to a loved one being able to see their faces, and no televisions either, we have all these things and are so much luckier, I have known three people who have died of covid and my friends boyfriend is at the moment very very poorly with it, he’s in hospital on full oxygen and struggling to breath, this new strain is much more infectious yet the scientists say the vaccine can offer immunity against it, there is always the fear of viruses mutating, it happens with the flu and the sweating sickness could well have mutated yet they would not have known about such things in Tudor times, I thought come November at least the pandemic would have gone or been under control, and life would be more or less normal, we were all hoping for a normal Christmas but sadly I think we will all have to wait till next year for that.
It’s going to be difficult for a lot of people but no Christmas isn’t cancelled, nobody can cancel Christmas and people are forming bubbles before the restrictions. It just means you can’t have people outside your household other than ssy vulnerable people whom you can help, visit or spend a day with no matter what. The media do not tell you that. You can include an elderly person in the bubble but be careful and restricted access should be made, but you can go and see them, phone them, take them food and gifts, see them via the window, visit as part of a walk to chat or check on them. People should do that and stop moaning about not being able to go to the pub.
I actually think closing none essential retail over Boxing day and to the New Year is good. Christmas is about being with your immediate family not going shopping. I know its hard when the family is spread out but zoom them. In the long term we will be alive to see them in the next couple of months.
Christmas should be in a local community, not the stress of travelling everywhere.
I know a few people, virtually, who have lost people and its very hard. I also know they understand the restrictions.
This new mutation may be worrying but some of the things imposed are daft.
Stop people travelling yes good.
Stopped freight is not necessary as you can isolate drivers from each other. The new strain may actually be weaker, even if its feasible its more infectious, something for which there’s no actual evidence, only that scattered cases tested positive for it. Without massive testing those results cannot be verified. The precautions are to prevent that.
I am not doing anything different and to be honest most people won’t either. Most people do stay home over Christmas and New Year and probably have enough food and drink for an army in any case. We should make sure our neighbours are O. K.
Believe it or not we seem to be escaping here in Liverpool. Maybe because of earlier Tier 3 restrictions. We can still have football fans as well. Oh the fume down in the Capital because guess what that gives us an unfair advantage and our fans are soaking it up. Home fans only on Boxing Day. That’s grand.
Taking some food to an old mate tomorrow after getting the fresh food and then organising the drop for mum, although to be honest mosf of it went on Monday.
Then free Christmas Eve for hair dresses and final lights up. I am so terribly tired but we have a free day on Christmas Day and our permitted day on Boxing Day with mum and as for Auntie Frances, she is with us on Boxing day and Christmas day she is with family bubble which apparently has burst to include Tricia on Sunday. Well after all she is 93 in February. She sees Frank every week so that’s fine, but Tricia? Oh well, as long as she takes precautions. That’s all we can do, carry on and be careful.
Stay home, stay local, visit in bubble and check in on lonely people to ensure they are o. K with a smile. If we do we should be alright. Visiting a vulnerable person is permitted as an exception. So now fuel needs replacing. Take care. YNWA
I have got a little partridge from Waitrose which is enough for me as I will be eating on my own, my friend who moved to Norfolk a few months ago is also on her own so we will FaceTime each other and have a laugh over the fizz and Christmas pudding, I have friends who are in my bubble so they will be visiting in the evening, the baileys will be open and iv plenty of snacks and chocs and I managed to get my Sherry trifle from M&S, was the last one there and I was very pleased because I got some party bites half price so I bought two packs, one programme I love watching on Christmas Day is Strictly Come Dancing, and Mrs Browns Boys, I think I will watch the queens speech as well, I usually miss it because I’m with my sister and her family but I will watch it this time, have a great Christmas everyone and new year god bless