Who was Mary Boleyn? – Part 2: Mistress of two kings?

When I asked for your questions about Anne Boleyn so that I could do a series of videos answering them, I also received quite a few questions on Anne Boleyn’s sister, Mary Boleyn.

Fiction such as The Other Boleyn Girl, which was made into a movie and adapted for television, has made many people interested in Mary’s story. But it’s difficult to know where fiction ends and history starts.

In my first video on Mary, I introduced the fictional Mary and then shared what we do actually know about her. You can view that video at https://youtu.be/Kg-1h6ttoJQ.

In today’s instalment, I start to look at some of the myths and theories that surround this Boleyn girl, the idea that she was the mistress of two kings, Francis I and Henry VIII, and that her children were fathered not by her husband, William Carey, but by King Henry VIII.

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