The White Falcon – A Song from Anne Boleyn’s Coronation

White Falcon front coverYou might remember my post a few weeks ago about Tamsin Lewis, an expert in Tudor music, having matched the lyrics of The White Falcon, a ballad performed at Anne Boleyn’s coronation procession on 31st May 1533, with a Tudor tune. Well, Tamsin has just emailed me to say that her book of sheet music has now been published.

Here are the details…

“Anne Boleyn’s coronation was the talk of Europe – a spectacular four-day event, with every aspect carefully planned and controlled. One of the specially written songs, “The White Falcon”, praising Anne as the heraldic bird that was her badge as queen, lay forgotten for nearly five centuries after her execution in 1536.

An elegant and, in hindsight, poignant ballad, it has now been rediscovered, reunited with its original music by Tamsin Lewis, performed at the Lord Mayor’s Show in 2013 and is published with an introduction by Lissa Chapman and Jay Venn.”

The book is available at:

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