Henry’s Love Life – A Poem by Ann Nonny

Merry Wives of Henry VIIIHere’s a little jokey ditty by Ann Nonny, author of “The Merry Wives of Henry VIII: A Tudor Spoof Collection”. I hope it brightens your day!

Henry loved his first wife,
Till she began to waddle;
And then, despite her loyalty,
He got a younger model.

Henry loved his second wife,
But despite her charm and wit;
Once he tired of intellect
He swapped her for a twit.

Henry loved his third wife,
Who gave the longed for heir;
And then she went and died on him
Before he didn’t care.

Henry loved his fourth wife,
Until they got to meet.
Then after that disastrous date
He beat a quick retreat.

Henry loved his fifth wife,
And thought her pure as snow.
But once her snow had melted,
She really had to go.

Henry loved his sixth wife;
He was seen to kiss and hug her.
But she was lucky number six,
Who got to outlive the bu****!

If you enjoy spoofs and satires, with a good does of “snark”, then do check out Ann Nonny’s Tudor spoof book. It’s available at Amazon.com, Amazon UK, Barnes and Noble and other online book retailers.

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