Tudor Places Calendar 2012 Launched!

Tudor CalendarMany of you will know that back in March we had a photographic competition for our 2012 Tudor Places Calendar, well, Friday was an exciting day for me as I received the final proof back from the printers and I am happy to say that you can now pre-order our very own Anne Boleyn Files Tudor Places 2012 Calendar.

Our panel of judges had a really hard time choosing from over 150 photos which Anne Boleyn Files visitors had sent in, but the 12 winning photos are as follows:-

  • Leeds Castle by Darren Wilkins – This stunning photo was the overall winner and also features on the cover
  • Lord Leycester’s Hospital by Helen Lin
  • Blickling Hall by Emma Paterson
  • Old Palace, Hatfield by Helen Lin
  • Ludlow Castle by Bethany Cattell
  • Hever Castle by Casey Bradbury
  • Hampton Court Palace by Tracy Wilkinson
  • Haughmond Abbey by Bethany Cattell
  • Sudeley Castle by Laurie Melton
  • Glastonbury Abbey by Chris Evans
  • Coughton Court by Felicity Boardman
  • Pembroke Castle by Rachael Wallace

Congratulations to all our winners who will each receive a copy of the calendar and to Darren who also wins a £25 Amazon voucher.

Calendar Details

Tudor Places Calendar
This stunning Tudor Places Wall Calendar consists of 28 pages and is 8½ by 11 inches (215.9 mm × 279.4 mm) with a picture/calendar spread per month. Each month is accompanied by one of our winning photographs and has important Tudor dates marked, making this a perfect gift for Tudor history lovers.

The calendar is printed on heavy weight glossy paper, full colour throughout and is pre-punched for wall hanging. It is polywrapped and perfect for yourself or as a gift. The calendar costs $11.99 and there are bulk-buy discounts for over 5 and over 10.

$1.50 (£1.00) from each calendar sale goes to The Mary Rose Appeal to help complete the new museum to house the wreck of Henry VIII’s flagship and the 19,000 Tudor artefacts found in and around the wreck.

You can pre-order this wonderful calendar right now – click here – and it will be sent out to you in July.

[slideshow id=407 w=450 h=350]

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23 thoughts on “Tudor Places Calendar 2012 Launched!”
  1. Brilliant pictures, the calender looks great!!!!! well done to the winners, bravo *claps* !!!! Cant wait to get this calender ordered …. roll on pay day !!!

  2. I can understand why those who won….won!! Great pictures and I ordered one….Linda and I miss you two….wish we could just get together whenover….hard to do when a half a world apart…..your good and fun people!! I am still in Michigan…soon to return to Seattle in July.
    Miss England so much…..Love Henry and Anne’s land..!!
    Take care Claire and Tim, great calendar….

    1. I’m in Michigan….The calendar is fantastic, and for a change there is a good picture on my birthday month (July)

  3. Just ordered a copy of the calendar this morning-can’t wait to receive it! Pictures are beautiful-the next best thing to seing these Tudor sites in person. Nice that a portion of the money is going to the Mary Rose appeal.

    1. Thanks for your order, Linda! I’m sure you’ll be pleased with your calendar as the photos are all stunning. I decided to choose The Mary Rose museum’s appeal because I really want the ship and its 19,000 artefacts to be displayed for future generations so that people can see real Tudor things and learn about Tudor times. It’s a great cause.

      1. Claire,

        The Mary Rose is a great cause-and so worth preserving. We are so fortunate that the Mary Rose was found in our life time, and that we can contribute to it’s preservation for future Tudor fans to enjoy as well. Thanks for your part in preserving another part of Tudor history.

  4. WOW…still can’t believe that, and so chuffed that, my photo was chosen as the winner…a BIG thank you to Claire and all the judges. Can’t wait to see the finished calendar. Looking at the other winners photos I would say that I am very lucky…amazing photos everyone! 🙂

    Thank you to all that have left such nice comments. 🙂


  5. Hi Claire,
    can I just ask what would postage be to scotland. They are beautiful photographs, and I have been lucky enough to have visited 8 of those places in the past before I moved up North. Well done to all the people who did the photography.

    1. Hi Dawn,
      The calendars are being dispatched from the US and will cost our usual $4.50 for international first class (6-20 business days) and that is a flat fee per order, rather than per item. The calendar has made me want to visit or revisit all the places too!

  6. Very nice, I like it. 🙂 Well done to the people who’s pictures made it through to entering into next years calendar 🙂 I wish that I had of participated, always next year 🙁 🙂

  7. Just put my order in. Grats to the winners who had their pictures put in the calendar. Looking forward to seeing them and will be interesting to go through the year with the Tudor dates. Thanks Claire for my favorite website!!!

  8. Claire, Took my breath away!! Congrates to all,will order mine.Theses photos are worth framming,thats what I will be doing. Kudos to All! Baroness

    1. Hi Baroness,
      Sorry but we only did one for 2012 and all those have gone now. We haven’t done one for 2013 as we just haven’t had time, sorry!

      1. Claire,I can wait to late but THX I still have many thing I need to order from the site.Also need some where to send you wine ,yes I can get threw customs. Baroness x

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