Thomas Cranmer Book Tour – Top 5 Historical Figures

One of Beth's favourites - who is he?
One of Beth’s favourites – find out who he is.

On the final stop of her Thomas Cranmer: In a Nutshell book tour, Beth von Staats is at her own website sharing her “remaining five favourite Tudor Era historical figures” after Thomas Cranmer and Thomas Cromwell.

In describing her list, Beth says “This list, which includes some of Tudor History’s greatest villains and heroes, might surprise you.” It’s a fantastic list.

Do head on over right now – click here – to read about Beth’s favourite historical personalities and to enter the giveaway for a paperback copy of Thomas Cranmer: In a Nutshell – just follow the instructions at the bottom of Beth’s post.

Here’s the book tour schedule so you can catch Beth at her other stops and enter the other giveaways:

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